Russian Genetic Experiment

It's evolution. It is not evolution by natural selection. This is called artificial selection, instead. a/k/a selective breeding.
So it isn't really "evolution" in a true sense..i get what you're saying, but this is almost too "helped" or modified to be considered "evolution" imo...or at least relative to the way i see evolution as a theory.
Why dont they do that to beavers? They have beavers in Russia dont they?

You can get them to chop all the wood, and build all the dams.

Damn thats a smart idea.
We should selectively breed people with good docile traits to make them easier to rule over.

What I find really interesting is that their appearance changed
after only 8 generations.
How is this different than dog breeding for traits?

came to say this same thing, we did this with dogs already

Selective breeding having a dramatic effect on the behaviors and traits of an animal ? No way brah , all in how you raise them imo. Those wild foxes probably just had shitty owners.

oh i see, its a nature vs nurture thing


im ready for it to devolve in to race arguments and/or banning pit bulls