Rose needs to make a big change

shes not here to please your eyes. shes here to win fights. gtfo
I use to think this a while ago. But now it's almost part of her "Thug Rose" gimmick. She rocks it well and I think she should keep it the way it is.
I have a full head of super thick hair and I shave it all away because it irritates me.

If I was a fighter, I would definitely shave it.

I can't imagine doing that corn row nonsense.
I really respect the fact that she shaved it because she thought it would help her fight better. She cares that much about winning instead of just looking pretty. She's great.

Fairly sure that's not the reason
The fact she has no body turns me off more than the no hair thing.
This post is an absolute joke.

If Elias Theodorou did the same I bet you would complain too. Seriously stick to watching to octogon girls or whatever gets you off..

Never ever disrespect thug rose
None of us are going to be seeing the rest of her. Unless you're a woman, I'm guessing.

She fights in a cage semi naked.She does weigh ins the same. Regardless of that youre body doesnt change because you shave your head. Do you need help working that out?
The fuck people care about here hair for shes a fighter. Shes either hot or not hot.
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She needs her hair back.

She used to be gorgeous, but now she look like some ghetto eminem.

News flash: Her job in life isn't to be pretty for you, you simpleton.

She obviously likes the way the short hair looks, or likes the low maintenance of it. Or maybe she got tired of everyone talking about her pretty looks instead of her fighting skill, so she took it away.

I agree with you that she was gorgeous with long hair. But i also dig the tough, apocalyptic bad ass look.
She fights in a cage semi naked.She does weigh ins the same.
The fuck people care about here hair for shes a fighter. Shes either hot or not hot.
She looks better with hair. Otherwise she looks way too butch for my tastes.
No one gives a fuck about your tastes. Rose is not on this earth for your personal gratification. Somw of you are seriously fucked up
Lol, that's what the thread is about. Does she look better with hair? Yes, she looks better with hair. It's an opinion, calm yourself.