Reinventing SM's Fat @$$

Monday, November 2, 2009

7:45 am: probiotics with water
9:15 am: 1 organic Gala apple
9:15 - 12 pm: 2 cups coffee
1 pm: ham/turkey/white American sub w/ mayo
3 pm: cup coffee

Not enough water thus far, and I was lazy and grabbed a sub for lunch. FML.

7 pm: strength training
8:15 pm: two dark chocolate minis
9 pm: grassfed ribeye steak
10 pm: two pickle spears dipped in Helluvagood French Onion dip
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Today is an IF day, so I am aiming not to eat until 7, which would be a 21-hour fast.
Hence, so far today has been all no-calorie liquids: mint-medley herbal tea, water, and now (almost 11 am) I'm drinking a Diet Lemon Snapple.

Update: I broke the fast at 4 pm, so it was 18 hours.

4 pm: handful of mixed nuts (macadamias, cashews and almonds)
5 pm: 4 pieces of dark chocolate
7 pm: 4 Steak Um steaks, 3 eggs scrambled, with cheese
9 pm: 2 sugar free puddings
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

8 am: probiotics with water
9:30 am: organic Gala apple
9 am - 12 pm: three cups cofee
12:30 pm - chopped cobb salad - lettuce, diced tomatoes, bacon and pulled chicken
3 pm - handful of Herseys miniatures
7 pm - strength training
8:15 pm - whey isolate with Greens+ Wildberry
9:30 pm - two pickle spears dipped in Helluvagood French Onion dip, and two small pieces of Irish aged cheddar
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Weight 258.6

8 am - probiotics with water
9:45 am - three egg cheddar omelette with two sausage patties with cup of coffee w/ heavy cream
1 pm - French Onion Soup (didn't eat the crouton, just the Guyere (sp?) cheese, beef stock and onions) and 1/2 a chicken caesar salad)
5:30 pm - some more of that salad

I decided to fast for Friday. I'm off work and traveling to NC today, and my stomach has been really bothering me. So I figured an IF today would help me not have to shit my guts out in an airplane toilet. Hopefully.
You do realize that nary a day goes by without you dipping into a sub/chili dog/ cake right?
Friday, November 6, 2009

9 am - probiotics with water

IFing today - hoping to make till 5:30 or 6

Edit: I made it till almost 7. I was sick, apparently my throat is all inflamed/infected, but at the time all I knew was headache, fever, and dead tired. I had two bites of chili, then slept on my friend's couch till their daughter woke me up to inform me that I was, in fact, a tent, as she hid under my legs (feet on otoman). Good times...
I had salad for lunch today. For YOU!

Now that's love. Hopefully you'll make half that sacrifice for you bride-to-be at some point.

'Grats on your win this week btw. It's like thw world went crazy and all the bad teams won.
Now that's love. Hopefully you'll make half that sacrifice for you bride-to-be at some point.

'Grats on your win this week btw. It's like thw world went crazy and all the bad teams won.

Everything is right with the world, my friend. The birds are singing, the planets are aligned, and the New York Yankees are kings of baseball.

Also, I'm down to 254.4 - that's from eating sporadically due to being sick, though. Wish I could take credit for it dietwise, but I can't.
Everything is right with the world, my friend. The birds are singing, the planets are aligned, and the New York Yankees are kings of baseball.

Also, I'm down to 254.4 - that's from eating sporadically due to being sick, though. Wish I could take credit for it dietwise, but I can't.

Awesome job on the weightloss. As for the Yanks:

Joe Posnanski Blog Archive The Yankees Payroll
Boo hoo. The Yankees give money to the small market teams. Their owners pocket it instead of investing in their teams. They are to blame.

I love the idiotic comments, though. "Why is the players union OK with this?" Uh, because the Yankees drive up salaries across the board. The players never want a cap.
Boo hoo. The Yankees give money to the small market teams. Their owners pocket it instead of investing in their teams. They are to blame.

I love the idiotic comments, though. "Why is the players union OK with this?" Uh, because the Yankees drive up salaries across the board. The players never want a cap.

I know, I'm just fuckin' with you. I don't even like baseball.
Monday, November 16, 2009

7:30 am - Probiotics with water
9 am - 3-egg cheddar omelete with bacon (ate about half the eggs and was full for some reason)

So, I started feeling lousy last weekend (the 6th/7th). Went to the doctor on Tuesday. My throat was all inflamed. She was concerned it was the MRSA back from the dead, and did a full culture. Also had me to do full bloodwork. Tests back today: not MRSA (thank Jeebus), no bacteria in the throat. Blood work: my iron is low, and my sugar is a little high - a bummer, but not a shocker since I've put on so much weight and my dad had sugar issues in his early 30s. So, that's another reason to really stick to not eating like crap. I'm supposed to start taking an iron supplement and get it re-checked in a month. Also, they told me to do one of the 3-hour glucose tests to see if I'm pre-diabetic or something, so I guess I'll probably just do that in a month so I can do it all in one shot. Hopefully diet can can take care of that shit, so I don't need any meds. Kind of a wake up call...
Monday, November 16, 2009

7:30 am - Probiotics with water
9 am - 3-egg cheddar omelete with bacon (ate about half the eggs and was full for some reason)

So, I started feeling lousy last weekend (the 6th/7th). Went to the doctor on Tuesday. My throat was all inflamed. She was concerned it was the MRSA back from the dead, and did a full culture. Also had me to do full bloodwork. Tests back today: not MRSA (thank Jeebus), no bacteria in the throat. Blood work: my iron is low, and my sugar is a little high - a bummer, but not a shocker since I've put on so much weight and my dad had sugar issues in his early 30s. So, that's another reason to really stick to not eating like crap. I'm supposed to start taking an iron supplement and get it re-checked in a month. Also, they told me to do one of the 3-hour glucose tests to see if I'm pre-diabetic or something, so I guess I'll probably just do that in a month so I can do it all in one shot. Hopefully diet can can take care of that shit, so I don't need any meds. Kind of a wake up call...

Breakfast sounded good. Are you watching carbs at all?
I should be. That's been my plan all along, but I had been really half-assed about it.
OK, I'm going to give this another try. I've been slacking here and in my training log.

Monday, November 23, 2009

6:45 am: probiotics with water

7:15 am: shake: 1 scoop unsweetened vanilla TP protein, handful of spinach, 1 cup water, 1 tblspoon heavy whipping cream, 1 tblspoon flax meal

9:45 am: Three egg cheddar omelette (ate about 3/4 of it) with side of bacon. Mmmm, bacon...

1:00 pm: Today was our "Thanksgiving Feast" at work. I had: generous serving of turkey, with a little bit of gravy. One spoonful of green bean casserole (kept it to just a taste because it had those packaged onion straw things in it, and the creaming probably used flour); collard greens, spoonful of spin dip, spoonful of cranberry sauce (whole cranberries), and some cheese. I'm now going to tell you the delicious items I passed on: mashed potatoes, homemade potato chips, sweet potatoes, 3 kinds of stuffing, corn, and the dessert table that included brownies, cupcakes, pie, cookies and cake.

4:00 pm: Vanilla Coke Zero

I had two cups of coffee during the day as well.

7:00 pm: Strength training

8:30 pm: 1 scoop Unsweetened vanilla True Protein in 1 cup water

9:00 pm: 1 can tuna w/ Olive Oil mayo, two pickle spears, a few pieces aged cheddar