Ready For Gable Steveson to arrive

Meathead Jock

Sep 26, 2011
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The WWE cut Gable Steveson, he was terrible at his job as a professional wrestler. But the WWE didn't let him wrestle in the Olympic trials then fired him right after they ended (has to be some sort of rich man revenge for wasting their money and getting no return). I feel bad about the wrestling, but with the next Olympic games 4 years away, there is no way he doesn't come to MMA.

Hopefully he learned how to "hype a fight" a bit in his two wasted years of WWE, as he will be turning 24 this year.

Anyone have video of him hitting the bags? Hearing it looked like a cross of Askren and Stephen A Smith level bad. Not that it should matter much.
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He had the potential to be a legend in actual wrestling, he should go back before it's too late.
I don't watch WWE but sucks to hear that didn't work out for him. I'd be excited to see him compete in the UFC the division needs all the help it can get.
Anthony Cassar is a better prospect until Stevenson shows he has better boxing than Steven A Smith. He looked that bad on the heavy bag.
No he isn't. Cassar has good enough wrestling to not get taken down but he can't spam takedowns like Gable.

Being elite at avoiding takedowns would be big against a guy like Gable, but most heavyweights have weak takedown defense, but no one is offensive and athletic enough to take advantage of it like DC and Blaydes have had success with. Gables takedowns crush both of theirs with the speed he brings them too.

Cassar is the guy that might end up average but would be a potential matchup problem for Gable.
He had the potential to be a legend in actual wrestling, he should go back before it's too late.
They would never allow it, but I wish the Olympics would let him have a best of three against Mason Parris for the Olympic Spot even though it's not exactly fair. But with the next Olympics over 4 years away it doesn't really make sense for him to return.