Rampage:"The Dolce Diet is Fake! Its a Sh*t diet!

But no one risks going into kidney failure if one of your software programming buddies writes a line of code wrong.

I don't know anything about Dolce other than he's the guy a fighter calls when he can't make weight. But you really can't compare musicians and software programmers to someone whose job directly impacts the health of the people paying him. Would you let someone with only a GED give you a root canal so long as he had done a few before and they turned out good?

Have any of Dolce's fighters had kidney failure? :rolleyes:
Every time I've asked for Dolce's credentials (former jobs/cerfications/college...ect), I always get a swarm of "buh buh forget the credentials, look at the results !" instead of an actual answer......
You should listen to these "swarm of buh buh..." people. Plenty of highly successful trainers in sports without formal degrees. One can have the knowledge without diploma.
Lol I remember him praising that diet and being all over Dolce like he was a god.

Ohh Rampage.

Still a fan though brah.

don't know if this is a sign that someone should be worrying about him.
Every time I've asked for Dolce's credentials (former jobs/cerfications/college...ect), I always get a swarm of "buh buh forget the credentials, look at the results !" instead of an actual answer......

As I said earlier, this is the wrong question. The correct one: where are all the certified, glorified nutritionists with PhDs who are helping fighters cut weight in a healthy way? Wait, there are none, right?

Honestly, the mainstream/academic nutritional stuff (food pyramid, etc.) is extremely dated and inaccurate. I wouldn't want someone who buys into that to help me cut weight.
But no one risks going into kidney failure if one of your software programming buddies writes a line of code wrong.

I don't know anything about Dolce other than he's the guy a fighter calls when he can't make weight. But you really can't compare musicians and software programmers to someone whose job directly impacts the health of the people paying him. Would you let someone with only a GED give you a root canal so long as he had done a few before and they turned out good?
What about my later example of a cook. Every time you eat at a resturant you risk food poisoning but understanding what causes food poisoning doesn't take long to learn and doesn't require a degree.

As far as the root canal as medicine and dentistry goes the law requires a degree. But If someone somehow had provided 1,000 successful root canals with no issues than I wouldn't have much of an issue. I can't say I've ever asked to see my dentist's degree, though I'm sure it's on the wall somewhere on the building.
This account gotta be from 2 retarded twins that take turns on Sherdog posting non-stop. I see you posting in every single thread, 24/7, and most of it is pure BS.

This made me LOL.

SmilesNCries is a cool dude, though. He does post a ton.
blah, blah, blah. More Rampage crap. Just tired of hearing him bitch about everything now.
I remember Dolce talking about how he found alot of paper from candy bars in the Rampage's room up in big bear.

So newsflash to Rampage: no diet works when you cheat on the diet.