PWD 3:16 Says I Just Ate Some Ass

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Goldberg said he was extremely sorry for ending Bret's career on MLW.
@Gutter Chris hella yeah 10 things i hate about you is one of GOAT movies. some idiots in the mayberry think that cant hardly wait is better but i'm going to post a full on analysis comparison of both soon, right after i'm done writing my thesis.

and although not ska, that movie introduced me to letters to cleo, on of my favorite bands.

They're both pretty good. I have a warm place for Can't Hardly Wait because it was out right when I was graduating from high school. Can't Hardly Wait and Green Day's Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) remind me of that time as much as anything else.
Green Day's Good Riddance

I took mrs gutter to see both of those movies and greenday when we were just kids in highschool. Hate the song but I totally get the nostalgia feels from lots of things from that era
Heath Ledger taught us life lessons damn it!

I never seen that movie, should I watch it tonight?
Those plus American Pie make 90's high school look fun. Fast Times at Ridgemont, BTTF and dozens more make 80's high school look fun. There ain't one movie out there that makes 2000s look like fun. I got screwed

This made doing drugs and having unprotected sex look cool
Y'all better put some respeck on can't hardly wait

Also this is probably the best thread title in a long time

We should have a running list of all the titles compiled by pwd tree fiddy

Cena was the first person to get a "fuck boy" haircut. lmao

GOAT high school movie

Dazed and Confused is also a great high school movie. We watched that endlessly my freshman year of college to the point where it was just always on and we'd have it muted if we were listening to music or whatever. Basically, if we weren't playing Mario Kart or Bond, or watching football or South Park, D&C was always on in the party room on our floor.
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