Proposal seeks to lower blood alcohol limit to 0.05


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
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States are looking into lowering the limit for drunk driving.

Personally, I don't Even know what a .05 or .08 feels like. I've never measured.

I don't drive if I've had more than 2 beers. Or 1 strong drink.

They have these breathalyzer things you can buy but I don't know if they're accurate.
I think driving should be for hobbyists only. That is really the only way cars work as a hobby that not many people do. The popularity they picked up in said guise is how they became more than a hobby and became a cancerous albatross that makes everything worse. I view cars the same way I view guns.
I think driving should be for hobbyists only. That is really the only way cars work as a hobby that not many people do. The popularity they picked up in said guise is how they became more than a hobby and became a cancerous albatross that makes everything worse. I view cars the same way I view guns.
Ok but many people need to drive to work lmao.
Ok but many people need to drive to work lmao.

And without car dominant infrastructure they would not.

There was a time before cars. Once they started existing everything was built to accomodate them at which point people were stuck with. But it doesn't have to be that way. And once upon a time it wasn't that way.

Its kind of a scam because the reason cars became popular was as leisure vehicles taking people on joyous rides around the countryside. As more people did it it became less and less enjoyable and slowly morphed into something you needed to do opposed to something you wanted to.
The police near me say most of the people they test for drunk driving are over .10. When I was 18, the legal BAC was .15. It was changed in 1973 to .10. In 1989 the limit for those driving a commercial vehicles was dropped to .04 with the creation of the national commercial driver's license. The limit for other drivers was dropped to .08 in 1991. The drivers of commercial vehicles can be taken out of service for any amount of alcohol while driving a commercial vehicle. In Wisconsin, anyone who holds a commercial driver's license can be arrested for DUI with a blood alcohol level of .04 and up even if they are driving a non-commercial vehicle. I've had the CDL since it's inception in 1989. I'm going to drop it this year when I have to renew my license.
Anything that impairs your senses should be illegal while operating a 3000-5000 lb vehicle I dont think people take driving seriously enough. I think folks should have to wear a helmet and have a roll cage in their cars. A dui should be 1 beer. I never got a dui because I take driving very seriously it is also why I only have one red light ticket in 19 years which I also believe the cop falsely targeted me for but I didn't want to spend the time going to court for it.
And without car dominant infrastructure they would not.

There was a time before cars. Once they started existing everything was built to accomodate them at which point people were stuck with. But it doesn't have to be that way. And once upon a time it wasn't that way.

Its kind of a scam because the reason cars became popular was as leisure vehicles taking people on joyous rides around the countryside. As more people did it it became less and less enjoyable and slowly morphed into something you needed to do opposed to something you wanted to.

That was over 100 years ago. You want people to go back to working at some shitty business in their small town? Imagine the hassle of a simple grocery run.
That was over 100 years ago. You want people to go back to working at some shitty business in their small town? Imagine the hassle of a simple grocery run.

Not to mention the astronomical costs of rebuilding the entire greater urban infrastructure of every city & town in the USA.
And without car dominant infrastructure they would not.

There was a time before cars. Once they started existing everything was built to accomodate them at which point people were stuck with. But it doesn't have to be that way. And once upon a time it wasn't that way.

Its kind of a scam because the reason cars became popular was as leisure vehicles taking people on joyous rides around the countryside. As more people did it it became less and less enjoyable and slowly morphed into something you needed to do opposed to something you wanted to.

The average work commute is 15 miles each way. You think people should walk that(about 5-6 hours each way), or do we just need to make horse and buggies great again?
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I think driving should be for hobbyists only. That is really the only way cars work as a hobby that not many people do. The popularity they picked up in said guise is how they became more than a hobby and became a cancerous albatross that makes everything worse. I view cars the same way I view guns.
You really do surprise me with how bad your takes are