Proper pre work out warm up and warm down for lifting sessions


Green Belt
Nov 17, 2016
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So I want to hear about your warm ups to prepare your bodies for lifting. And then about the ways you finish your workouts.

I am looking for ideas to implement in my work outs.
My warmup is your workout.
Considering I am a frequency maniac right now, this statement may be correct lol :)
But your monthly number of workouts is my weekly one :)
Standard routines usually have warm up sets prescribed, and really I end up having 1-2 working sets while the rest was a warmup, its worked well for years.
I usually do a few sets of hip mobility drills, followed by a couple sets of slow-motion burpees. Seems to loosen everything up well enough
Now that I'm old, I'm pretty strict with my warmup. I jump rope for maybe 1-2 minute straight followed by stretching with a pvc pipe overhead for a while. I then use the hip circle with side to side walks to get my legs going. I do that routine twice. I'm good to go after that, but I start with lighter weights. I'm not very slow on my jumps though - for something like squat I may go from 135 to 225 to 295 to 345. I see some people jump a lot slower than that.
When I was really lifting heavy, my warm up consisted of 5 minutes on the stationary bike and then a couple of sets of planks or low back extensions while doing Y's , T's, & I's.
A lot of ways to go about it.
Things I've done at different times:

10 minutes stationary bike
10 minutes jump rope
Dynamic warm up/stretching
Do a set with no weights on the bar to practice the movement

Essentially anything that will get the my body temperature elevated without fatiguing the muscles. However, stimulate the muscles to be used with pre workout activity to cause the body's blood flow to focus in those areas providing nutrients/oxygen for your workout. If you find you work yourself too hard in your warm up, and are going for maximal lifts, then do not attempt the exercise for 3-5 minutes. Then you can begin with your routine.

As far as cool down I walk around for 3 minutes, then I stretch for 10-20 minutes.
I live in Holland so getting from point A to point B means I use a bicycle. So I bike to the gym. Once I get to the gym, currently I'm using my warm up to work on technique. I'm now relearning the back squat. I've always been a high bar squatter but I'm now giving low bar a try. Despite being a highbar squatter, I've posted here for a long time, so the Rippetoeian ''hips back'' cue made its way into my cortex so I had (and have) a weird and problematic squat. In so doing, I've learned a lot about my anthropometry, how I should be squatting, and it's provided me a lot to work on. One thing that I've learned is that my stance was previously way too narrow and my feet were angled way too shallow. My hips have almost 90 degrees of internal rotation, but very little external rotation (maybe 10-15 degrees). Things that I'm working on is keeping the bar over my mid foot, ''screwing'' my feet into the floor, keeping my knees stationary when coming out of the hole (to avoid the good morning).

I do a lot of the exercises in this video, before warming up with the bar and light weights.

One big clue that I was doing it all wrong was that I used to find it very difficult to hit depth with an empty bar before making the change. My stance now is just a bit more narrow than Cortney's in the above video.
Squats or deadifts - ten minutes on stationary bike, followed by movements.
OHP - five minutes at least on stationary bike followed by movements.
A light jog followed by some slow pushups warms me up. Jumping jacks still do the trick.
pre: cup of coffee, joint mobility, 3 to 5 easy warm up sets.
post: nothing.
If leg day i do agile 8 or atleast half of those. I warmup by doing bodyweight lunges while keeping my core braced. Might also do some jumping and bodyweight hipt yhrusts to feel my glutes working. Then I start workout with squats.

I also Always do band pull aparts and shoulder dislocates even for legs days.

If push day, I always start with db lateral raises. Gets the blood flowing.

For pull dayI start with lightweught lat pull downs. Cant pull up much since I have frozen shoulder.

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