President Trump & Jr. accused of collusion w/ Russia due to Fedor

>july of 2017
>still pretending trump wasnt the best candidate and pretending to not understand why he was elected

found a video of you

Let's be real. It was between a shit show and douchebag. At least Republicans understand the people pick the candidate and the party backs them. The Democrats still want to pick a candidate and shove them down the people's throats.

I voted for Jill Scott.
The Trump administration is corrupt af. Only a matter of time before either:

1) Trump gets impeached
2) Trump runs the US in to the ground.

His approval rating is only at 36%(58% disapprove).

P.s there is actual evidence from Donal Trump Jr himself that he met with Russians tied to Putin(He even admitted it on Fox news and released the emails).

Putin wanted Trump to win. Therefore the Trump family received help from the Russians then denied it. Now evidence has now come out proving Trump Snr was lying about Russian involvement.
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And people wonder why Fedor lost his last fights.
This KGB agent didn't even train, his fights were simply an excuse to get his visa
that means his recent losses actually aren't losses, Fedor is still the goat
>july of 2017
>still pretending trump wasnt the best candidate and pretending to not understand why he was elected

found a video of you

It's you who doesn't understand. It's going to get worse before it gets better and its already pretty bad. By then you won't still be saying "but Hillary", I don't think. You're not that far gone. Don't ask me to define "it" either; you know what it is. And your video didn't work. Man you people just aren't putting in the effort you used to.


It all makes sense!
It's you who doesn't understand. It's going to get worse before it gets better and its already pretty bad. By then you won't still be saying "but Hillary", I don't think. You're not that far gone. Don't ask me to define "it" either; you know what it is. And your video didn't work. Man you people just aren't putting in the effort you used to.

"dont ask me to tell you why, it should be obvious to you! its totally not because i also cant say it, i totally know what IT is! its you who arent saying what should be OBVIOUS"
Gotta delete photos of me with Fedor GOAT before I run for president
And people wonder why Fedor lost his last fights.
This KGB agent didn't even train, his fights were simply an excuse to get his visa
that means his recent losses actually aren't losses, Fedor is still the goat

Fedor infiltrated the hearts and minds of the yankees

And now he is in position to execute his true programming
Trump was colluding with Seagal. Hillary never had a chance.
Look at the sweater Fedor was wearing. That sweater has soviet spy written all over it.

Where do you think Trump got eating two scoops of icecream from? Its a secret Soviet signal.
The Trump administration is corrupt af. Only a matter of time before either:

1) Trump gets impeached
2) Trump runs the US in to the ground.

His approval rating is only at 36%(58% disapprove).

P.s there is actual evidence from Donal Trump Jr himself that he met with Russians tied to Putin(He even admitted it on Fox news and released the emails).

Putin wanted Trump to win. Therefore the Trump family received help from the Russians then denied it. Now evidence has now come out proving Trump Snr was lying about Russian involvement.

Maybe you missed this, being in Australia and all...

At that time everyone in the world was looking for dirt on Hillary. If anyone had the chance to have gotten their hands on her emails, they would have jumped at it. Collecting dirt on your opponent is politics 101.

That doesn't equal "collusion".

Putin can want Trump to win all he wants. Until you have direct evidence of Trump promising x for y, you're going to be complaining about him for a looooooooooooonggggggg time.
I bumped into Fedor at an airport years ago. I was holding my baby with me as we cruised from Point A to Point B trying to catch a connecting flight in Amsterdam.

For a split second, I thought of asking him to hold the baby while I took a picture.

However, the man has an "leave me alone" aura about him, so I left him alone. No pic, no "Hi Fedor", no nothing.

I guess it's good I didn't. My political career would have been over.

Oh, and the guy has huge quads. Looks like a rugby player up close.
Does this mean Meathead will be allowed to the White House or not?

After all, he met Fedor too.
Look at the sweater Fedor was wearing. That sweater has soviet spy written all over it.

Where do you think Trump got eating two scoops of icecream from? Its a secret Soviet signal.
You just "two-scooped" this post out from under me!

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