Crime Pipe Bombs Suspect Cesar Sayoc of FL arrested. Radical Trump Supporter Sent Pipe Bombs to major Dems


Dec 16, 2015
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"Authorities arrested 56-year-old Cesar Sayoc in Florida in connection with the suspicious packages, law enforcement sources say."

As those of us without our heads up our asses were able to divine from the clouds of fucking mysteria, the guy was a Trumper psycho. Here is his decked out MAGA van:



Beginning with George Soros, a number of pipe bombs and suspicious packages were sent to many Democratic leaders. No reports of injuries, and none of the bombs exploded on their own.

Cliffs of the incidents up to 3pm EST 24 October:

Soros - Pipe bomb in mailbox. Reports speculate it was hand delivered, unclear.

Clinton & Obama - Pipe bombs mailed to their homes, intercepted by Secret Service screening

John Brennan - Pipe bomb mailed to him c/o CNN at Time Warner Center. Additional powdery substance found.

Eric Holder - Package addressed incorrectly to him, returned to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz - Listed as return address on several packages, received the one meant for Holder

Maxine Waters - Suspicious package intercepted and sent off for analysis

Robert DeNiro - Received a device

James Clapper - Package intercepted at Manhattan mail facility

Corey Booker - Package intercepted at Florida mail facility

Andrew Cuomo - Reported suspicious package, but seems to be digital files on the Proud Boys (?)

Kamala Harris - Reported suspicious package, no report of threat

White House - False report of suspicious package


(If you're out of views for the month try this:

"The explosive device found in a mailbox at the home of George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist, on Monday afternoon was relatively small, a senior law enforcement official said on Tuesday.

The device was “proactively denotated” by bomb squad technicians from the Westchester County Police Department.

The bomber’s motive remained unclear. "

Mr. Soros is a favorite target of right-wing groups. He was not home at the time. "His activism has made him a villain to conservative groups and the target of anti-Semitic smears. Roseanne Barr called him a Nazi in an infamous tweetstorm, and just this month, Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, falsely speculated that Mr. Soros had funded a caravan of migrants moving north toward Mexico. There is no evidence that Mr. Soros paid thousands of migrants to storm the border. Nor is there evidence that Democrats support the effort, as President Trump has said."


Update 24 October:
(no paywall)

Confirmed pipe bomb, and Clinton and Obama were targeted too.

"Two explosive devices were found in mail sent to former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Secret Service said Wednesday.

The devices were similar to one found on Monday at the home of the billionaire philanthropist George Soros, and federal authorities were investigating whether they were linked, two law enforcement officials said."


More devices, unclear if related to others. Sent to White House (RETRACTED) and Time Warner building (NY), possibly targeting CNN.

White House device called a "pipe bomb" as well (RETRACTED):|main


John Brennan reportedly target of fourth device, addressed to him through the CNN Time Warner Center office.
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Paid for by George Soros.
The Political Party of peace, ladies and gentlemen.
The violent right strikes again.
Neither side should resort to this type of action but when you have ties to militant and extremist groups you have to expect some blowback.
He should not have done that, it was the wrong thing to do.
I'd bet that Soros has his whole house on video surveillance. His gate to his driveway and even his mailbox.
I'd bet that Soros has his whole house on video surveillance. His gate to his driveway and even his mailbox.
Well yeah, he is fucking rich as fuck.

I bet trump did as well.

(If you're out of views for the month try this:

"The explosive device found in a mailbox at the home of George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist, on Monday afternoon was relatively small, a senior law enforcement official said on Tuesday.

The device was “proactively denotated” by bomb squad technicians from the Westchester County Police Department.

The bomber’s motive remained unclear. "

Mr. Soros is a favorite target of right-wing groups. He was not home at the time. "His activism has made him a villain to conservative groups and the target of anti-Semitic smears. Roseanne Barr called him a Nazi in an infamous tweetstorm, and just this month, Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, falsely speculated that Mr. Soros had funded a caravan of migrants moving north toward Mexico. There is no evidence that Mr. Soros paid thousands of migrants to storm the border. Nor is there evidence that Democrats support the effort, as President Trump has said."


The story speaks for itself. Keep slandering the guy long enough, and you draw the right wing terrorists to him. Trumpism and antisemitism intersect here, at a philanthropist's mailbox. There is no shortage of War Roomers who think this is a good thing.

People who pull this sort of thing are worthless and pathetic human beings . . . disagree with someone all you want, but don't go at them like this . . . .
Sounds like an Alex Jones fan.
The way he goads mentally borderline people into developing murderous anger toward innocent people is extremely irresponsible.
if Republicans really wanted to stop soros theyd stop voting for Republicans since they support dark money and looser campaign laws but they won't.

(If you're out of views for the month try this:

"The explosive device found in a mailbox at the home of George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist, on Monday afternoon was relatively small, a senior law enforcement official said on Tuesday.

The device was “proactively denotated” by bomb squad technicians from the Westchester County Police Department.

The bomber’s motive remained unclear. "

Mr. Soros is a favorite target of right-wing groups. He was not home at the time. "His activism has made him a villain to conservative groups and the target of anti-Semitic smears. Roseanne Barr called him a Nazi in an infamous tweetstorm, and just this month, Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, falsely speculated that Mr. Soros had funded a caravan of migrants moving north toward Mexico. There is no evidence that Mr. Soros paid thousands of migrants to storm the border. Nor is there evidence that Democrats support the effort, as President Trump has said."


The story speaks for itself. Keep slandering the guy long enough, and you draw the right wing terrorists to him. Trumpism and antisemitism intersect here, at a philanthropist's mailbox. There is no shortage of War Roomers who think this is a good thing.
Why do you assume it was a right winger and not some of the many people that Soros has fucked over? Or maybe a hostile foreign government?
Why do you assume it was a right winger and not some of the many people that Soros has fucked over?
Gee I don't know. Why on Earth would one assume it's a right winger, when he's perpetually targeted and slandered by both mainstream and batshit right wing media? It's like a mind puzzle, an awesome mind puzzle.

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