PBC: Ramirez vs Bone

Thank goodness Nady didn't ref the last fight.
Short left hook by Martinez, catches Smalls.
Overhand right is getting through by Martinez.
PBC needs to stop having Jack in the booth, very dull.
Nice defense by Martinez, Smalls missed with that flurry.
Smalls right eye closing.
Counter hook hurts Smalls.
Rd 1- 10-9 Bone
Ramirez closed strong.
Rd 2- 10-9 Bone
Cleaner punches.
Rd 3- 10-9 Bone
Controlled the round.
Rd 4- 10-9 Bone
Ramirez hurt Bone, then let him off the hook.
Flores watching a different fight than I'm watching. Ramirez not looking good so far.
Rd 5- 10-9 Bone
Ramirez ineffective with his aggression. Bone moving side to side, sniping.
Rd 6- 10-9 Ramirez
Bone moving but not sticking.
Rd 7- 10-9 Ramirez
Bone tried to steal late.
Rd 8- 10-9 Bone
Ramirez chasing.
Rd 9- 10-9 Bone
Ramirez frustrated. Bone scoring with clean punches.
Rd 10- 10-9 Bone

98-92 Bone on my card. Boxed great, a lot of movement. Ramirez had trouble cutting the ring off.