OVERWATCH, v5: The Wicked Witch is Dead

Gotta say, I really like what they had for Overwatch at Blizzcon this year. Ashe's kit seems really fun and the cinematic was good.
Some other heroes like Hammond go by without much fanfare at all but I guess they can't make every hero equally as good.
I've done this so many times now on Necropolis Single handedly destroying teams with Reinhardt, so satisfying.

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Ashe looks fun, I’m a pretty good Mcree but less than stellar widow so I’m looking forward to playing her.
Looks like echo will be the next hero and everyone is complaining how sexualized she is.
Looks like echo will be the next hero and everyone is complaining how sexualized she is.
Lord Jeff said she isn't next. I'm sure it will be another cc hero..
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So the first person I've seen Reach level 5 endorsement level in Overwatch is...............


Looking forward to my 4 lootboxes
The reunion cinematic was way better than the D.va one, I'm glad they are moving the story forward again and exploring new events and lore whereas the D.va one didn't tie into to anything, just a one and done mild fanfare that didn't expand the character or lore IMO.
Been grinding Zarya. Still got a lot to work on with her (especially when it comes to reloading when I could've just lobbed out one more grenade), but she's such a satisfying character to play; part tank, part dps, part support. This gal just has so much to do and it's nice to no longer have that helpless feeling I would sometimes have when I only played support and couldn't always finish someone off or keep an aggressive teammate from getting melted down. Now when we lose, at least it was my fault.

Superb stuff, they put great effort into it unlike some other heroes. Her ultimate summons Bob, how cool is that? Still able to keep it fresh
I don't play DPS, but I'll definitely be admiring her from a distance. She looks like a blast to play if you've got the aim.
Been grinding Zarya. Still got a lot to work on with her (especially when it comes to reloading when I could've just lobbed out one more grenade), but she's such a satisfying character to play; part tank, part dps, part support. This gal just has so much to do and it's nice to no longer have that helpless feeling I would sometimes have when I only played support and couldn't always finish someone off or keep an aggressive teammate from getting melted down. Now when we lose, at least it was my fault.

I was basically a filthy Zarya one trick before dive completely took over. She is such a fun character and is one of, if not the most, balanced character in the game. High charge Zarya is potentially the most fun character in the game as well.

Zarya one-trick here.If you can offer any tips, it would be much appreciated. I love using her and you're definitely much higher rank than i am. Teach me senpai.

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Zarya one-trick here.If you can offer any tips, it would be much appreciated. I love using her and you're definitely much higher rank than i am. Teach me senpai.

I'll be honest, I don't have much experience playing Zarya in the new GOATS dominated world, but from what I gather after using your initial bubbles to gain some charge(which requires cooperation from your team) you want to be saving your projected bubble to save your Reinhardt from getting dicked by CC or to save your support(probably your Ana if she gets caught out). I don't even know what the best target for a grav is in this current meta

I didn't have time to check out that vod, but for something you can work on if I were to guess probably bubble management. Getting the most out of your bubbles will help massively. I'm sure you know that Zarya bubbles can block supers so if someone is making it super obvious that they're trying to get a super up you want to save self bubble and sort of front line for your team(unless your Reinhardt has a healthy shield. Since you have someone to you play with(since the vod says duo) you can go into a custom game and both choose Zarya and work on your tracking since that's required to do any sort of damage. But other than that, your team has to play around you and vice-versa. It's tough to play a flank Zarya in ranked with how little coordination there is most of the time.
The only other thing I could maybe think of is to make sure you use your alternate fire when you have high charge, unless you're focusing a shield. Or D.Va obviously.

I don't know if you watch streams at all, but for Zarya watching people like Emongg, GODS, Space, and some other ones will definitely help.

That pop figurine is dope too.
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The only other thing I could maybe think of is to make sure you use your alternate fire when you have high charge, unless you're focusing a shield. Or D.Va obviously.

I don't know if you watch streams at all, but for Zarya watching people like Emongg, GODS, Space, and some other ones will definitely help.

That pop figurine is dope too.
Yeah, the alternate fire is something I definitely need to work into muscle memory; I try to use it to finish off kills, but only if I'm actively trying to remember to do it. And goddamn is digging into Dva with that T H I C C high charge beam the most satisfying burn in the world.

Most of the streams I watch are just friends of mine with modest viewership and average skill like myself, but I do often spend time watching Harbleu. He's more known for his Roadhog, but he does A LOT of Zarya nowadays. I'm pretty obsessed with the game though, so almost nightly I fall asleep to VOD reviews LUL, mainly by JAYNE or CANAS1AN.

It's been about 9 months since my switch to PC and I gotta say I'm pretty damn happy with how my tracking aim has come along and I've even gotten complimented on it a few times FeelsGoodMan, so my issues are definitely a bit more on the game sense side of things, likely with target prioritization (as good as it feels to melt down a Dva, maybe there are times when I should be trying to burn a squishy down instead).

Anyway, those placements on silver were me smurfing and just being an overall a-hole bully. But sometime this week probably I'll do placements on my plat account and see how my Zarya fairs there (got it to plat as Moira, so haven't yet tanked at that ELO). I'll probably be lucky to break even.

And yeah, a lot of the OW Pops are sweet af, especially the Dva. That thing's a masterpiece.
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The next patch will require us to do a complete reinstall of overwatch btw.
Hopefully it'll include some optimization tweaks. We've been hurting for those for a while now. Seems every update costs us a few frames.
Hopefully it'll include some optimization tweaks. We've been hurting for those for a while now. Seems every update costs us a few frames.
They're saying it will. Which will be nice.
Ashe is live by the way.

Not sure why but my ping dropped by like 15 with this newest patch. Feels good.
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