Overwatch Official Discussion, v4: Doomfist Me, Daddy..

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...and I am officially out.

Can't even go 2 games without a thrower. Not only are they throwing, they're actively trying to mess up their own teammates. I had to play four rounds with some cry baby that started throwing because he couldn't pick the person he wanted to.

So he picked mei, trying to wall us off and block damage for the enemy as much as possible.

We couldn't even have a fair 5 v 6, which we were winning until he went from throwing himself of the ledge to assisting the other team with mei.

This game is now getting me heated, it's supposed to be fun, but it's not anymore.

Blizzard is doing nothing about it. It's making the whole community toxic, even me at this point, and I always try to be positive but there's only so much bullshit a man can take.

I would love to play again if I wasn't so sure that at least 40-60% of my games weren't affected by throwers and leavers. And winning via throwers is garbage too, not fun at all.

Soon as blizzard fixes this shit I'm back, but until then I just can't deal with half of the games people going out of their way to ruin things for everyone else. It's such a waste of time.
I agree something needs to be done about throwers, but what do they do?

In my eyes it's less on Blizzard(obviously it's in part on them) and more just people being shitty. There's not much Blizzard can do about people getting tilted because someone took the character they want, unless they go back to no hero limits and that sounds like an atrocious idea. I guess they could implement some kind of system where if you're reported for 'throwing' or 'griefing' too many times that you can't play competitive, but if there's a system like that people will report people for picking any off-meta character. Shit I'm sure people already report people for picking off-meta. People look for any reason to get tilted or to find someone to blame for them being a lower skill tier than they believe they are.
I hate this Roadhog, he's turned into a fat clown. I couldn't even ohk Ana today. I hook her, She escapes puts me to sleep heals herself up and then back to her team. This is not how Roadhog's supposed to be. He was fine and now they've turned him into garbage.

Jeff Kaplan however has admitted on the blizzard site that he doesn't like where Roadhog is at right now so we'll see.
I hate this Roadhog, he's turned into a fat clown. I couldn't even ohk Ana today. I hook her, She escapes puts me to sleep heals herself up and then back to her team. This is not how Roadhog's supposed to be. He was fine and now they've turned him into garbage.

Jeff Kaplan however has admitted on the blizzard site that he doesn't like where Roadhog is at right now so we'll see.

Yeah, he used to be my go-to for picking characters that my team just couldn't see to kill. I used to grab Pharahs right out of the air and KABLAMO! Now he's just a bullet sponge.
Yeah, he used to be my go-to for picking characters that my team just couldn't see to kill. I used to grab Pharahs right out of the air and KABLAMO! Now he's just a bullet sponge.
They had to buff Reaper along with his nerf.

I used to kill Reaper's before but now,

If i see a reaper i back away or if i hear 'reapositioning' i immediately spam 'group up with me' lol.

He used to be a one man apocalypse but not anymore, now they should just remove that VL.
I have no clue who are all these turds getting rekd by roadhog. He was always one of my favorite toons to play against, even prenerf.

If I got hooked by roadhog, 9/10 times it was because my position sucked. Roadhog was an idiot test for people who refuse to have basic map/position sense.

Roadhog was a counter to just about every toon I mained, and I still think he was a breeze to play against prenerf.
Yup, I agree with all the Roadhog sentiment. He sucks now. Badly. Before he was a cool, unique tank character that could flank and punish enemy team members for bad positioning but now he's basically a big battery for the enemy teams ultimate. Something needs to be done about him. He could be a pain in the ass to play against before but he was never "broken" in a sense. He was just a cemented meta hero and I didn't see anything wrong with that.

But they've absolutely killed him. At least its been acknowledged by Blizzard and they're working on a fix.
Haven't played in a week or so, hop on to bust out a few games and.... 2 minute wait times?

Is matchmaking trying to adequately match people up or has the player pool shrank?
Yup, I agree with all the Roadhog sentiment. He sucks now. Badly. Before he was a cool, unique tank character that could flank and punish enemy team members for bad positioning but now he's basically a big battery for the enemy teams ultimate. Something needs to be done about him. He could be a pain in the ass to play against before but he was never "broken" in a sense. He was just a cemented meta hero and I didn't see anything wrong with that.

But they've absolutely killed him. At least its been acknowledged by Blizzard and they're working on a fix.

Agreed not sure why they felt the need to gimp him so much. He was a great character to use against Pharah and other characters but mainly I liked Roadhogs who could take out Pharah. He was never frustrating and countering him seemed pretty easy.
Haven't played in a week or so, hop on to bust out a few games and.... 2 minute wait times?

Is matchmaking trying to adequately match people up or has the player pool shrank?

This has always been the norm for me. Well 1-2 mins.
Down 240 SR. I just can't get a semi competent team, or when I do someone leaves.
300 SR down lol. I give up. The game has decided I shall lose every game for some reason.
300 SR down lol. I give up. The game has decided I shall lose every game for some reason.

lol yea I gave up hard this season. I started at 1500's worked my up to like 1880. Lost like two and just stopped caring and started picking whatever I want instead of my standard Rein\Mercy picks. I'm down in the 1500's now.
Got complimented on my Zen and Zarya today. Feels good.

I must be having the exact opposite competitive experience of most people. I've only had a few toxic people and throwers.
Booted up Overwatch on PC for the first time in a while. Has anyone had an issue with screen tearing lately?
Booted up Overwatch on PC for the first time in a while. Has anyone had an issue with screen tearing lately?
Like said above, cap your fps. Or set it to display based, that will give you your montiors hz+10, so if you have a 60hz monitor, like I do, you'll get 70 frames. You could also set the fps to a multiple of your monitors hz(example 120, 180 if using a 60hz). You'll still get tearing but it will be in the same spot all the time.
I agree something needs to be done about throwers, but what do they do?

In my eyes it's less on Blizzard(obviously it's in part on them) and more just people being shitty. There's not much Blizzard can do about people getting tilted because someone took the character they want, unless they go back to no hero limits and that sounds like an atrocious idea. I guess they could implement some kind of system where if you're reported for 'throwing' or 'griefing' too many times that you can't play competitive, but if there's a system like that people will report people for picking any off-meta character. Shit I'm sure people already report people for picking off-meta. People look for any reason to get tilted or to find someone to blame for them being a lower skill tier than they believe they are.
This post got me thinking.

I am new at hero based team games were winning actually matters.

I have been playing online for 10+ years with halo, cod, battlefield..etc.

In those games almost no one cares if the team actually wins or loses, it's more about individual performance and having fun.

There is little to no team work, and nobody uses their comms except to have fun.

So I am very new to this.

I don't know too much about this and similar genres, so it got me wondering.

What have other games done to combat leavers and toxicity. And to my knowledge there have been mixed results at best.

Is it possible that all of these hero based team games were winning, team work, and communication are essential, eventually turn out to be complete toxic messes?

I never played LoL but I have heard of their legendary toxicity. Is this just the natural order of things?
This post got me thinking.

I am new at hero based team games were winning actually matters.

I have been playing online for 10+ years with halo, cod, battlefield..etc.

In those games almost no one cares if the team actually wins or loses, it's more about individual performance and having fun.

There is little to no team work, and nobody uses their comms except to have fun.

So I am very new to this.

I don't know too much about this and similar genres, so it got me wondering.

What have other games done to combat leavers and toxicity. And to my knowledge there have been mixed results at best.

Is it possible that all of these hero based team games were winning, team work, and communication are essential, eventually turn out to be complete toxic messes?

I never played LoL but I have heard of their legendary toxicity. Is this just the natural order of things?
To be honest I'm in pretty much the same boat as you, this is the first game I've played that requires this much team work. I played a few fps games at a 'competitive level', well competitive level given the time frame, when I was a teenager and there was an element of teamwork, even those could end up rather toxic if things aren't going well, but you 'clutch up' if it came to it just by being a better mechanical player than your opponents. Overwatch doesn't really give you that option. You need team work to win. It doesn't matter if you have the best aim in the world if there's a D'va in your face or if you're getting dived on by 3 enemies every time you try to make a play

I think part of the problem is that so many people come from that same background of playing games like Counter Strike and Call of Duty and they're used to being able to rely on their own talent in order to get wins that they don't know how or, probably more likely, don't want to work as a team. There's more glory to being that Genji that get's a 5 man Dragon Blade for the win than being the Winston that jumps back to help peel for your support characters. Being that we're in the age of streaming you also have a better chance at being successful at that if you're making fancy hero plays.

So in short, I think you might be right, and it may just be the natural progression of a game that requires high amounts of teamwork to win. If something goes wrong in a game like Overwatch people are going to be quick to point the finger at someone else for the failure as opposed to looking at the errors they made themselves, which is human nature I suppose.
Yup, I agree with all the Roadhog sentiment. He sucks now. Badly. Before he was a cool, unique tank character that could flank and punish enemy team members for bad positioning but now he's basically a big battery for the enemy teams ultimate. Something needs to be done about him. He could be a pain in the ass to play against before but he was never "broken" in a sense. He was just a cemented meta hero and I didn't see anything wrong with that.

But they've absolutely killed him. At least its been acknowledged by Blizzard and they're working on a fix.

I was ok with him one shotting lower HP characters, like others said if you got one shotted by him you were out of position. What I didn't like was him one shotting other tanks, when he didn't even need it, 1v1 he killed the rest of the tanks easily without the hook combo, for fuck sake he could fully heal through any of their damage and continue fighting as if nothing had happened. He seemed to be too balanced, as Blizzard likes to put it. His nerf though was too much, and he's pretty worthless.
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