Movies Out of the IMDB top ranked films - Which 5 are the best? (Fifteenth Elimination Bracket)

What's your picks?

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  • Poll closed .


Formally known as MXZT
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
First Elimination Bracket
Second Elimination Bracket
Third Elimination Bracket
Fourth Elimination Bracket
Fifth Elimination Bracket
Sixth Elimination Bracket
Seventh Elimination Bracket
Eighth Elimination Bracket
Ninth Elimination Bracket
Tenth Elimination Bracket
Eleventh Elimination Bracket
Twelfth Elimination Bracket
Thirteenth Elimination Bracket
Fourteenth Elimination Bracket

Here we are at the last Elimination Brackets, onto the Quarter-Finals next.

My choices:

The Shining
Robocop (1987)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Paths of Glory

Avengers: Infinity War

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

The Shining
The Great Dictator


Inglourious Basterds

The Dark Knight Rises

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
American Beauty

Oldboy (2003)



Toy Story
The Boat/Das Boot


Robocop (1987)


If you don't want to be tagged or want to be tagged just let me know thank you.

Please vote.

@paddan @TheNinja @Doomer @TCE @Piperrr @ASUThermo @dc007 @Lovestorm
@ThinkGreen @Axefan4life @xHeadx @pv3Hpv3p @JinKazama @Screwtape @2DUM2TAP
@aldeniro78 @Starck @Anialater @TheRash @shunyata @Cyrano200 @Dizzy @squirrelynuts
@wigglestick @cowboyjunkie @empsim @I Am Legion @offshore33 @ripsta619 @Korben
@Mesos @Digital Fire @Shonuffbrad @Trill850 @rustledjimjams @MichiganMMA1978
@Iroh @SL1200 @wendelbudwhite @Korben @Sleestaxk @Brom Bones @sanfranpsycho
@Ares Black @Zookeeper Gabe @Excelsior @bubbleboyjones @Brandon Wilson @marioh
@SammyPops @BB in Crazy!!!! @method115 @Virginiatechmic @Simian Raticus @Lebnof
@Ablis89 @FortieSicks @IloveTHIS @Vigorelli @steeldragon @Dr Curtis Love @HUGHPHUG
@MilesAbove @Randlewand @Uncle J @SKYNET @CHUTE_BOXE78 @Tol @ASUThermo
@IndyCovaHart @Magooglie @BARNUM @Satanical Eve @D3THRONED @bosox32 @Kryptt
@ManCityFC9 @sleepwalk @Krimzon @MusterX @SuperHoss @Rob Battisti @tdluxon
@Ralph Wiggum @lifelessheap @newcastleman @elreece @ctm @RayA @VulcanNervPinch
@Streeter @LetThemBleed @Dr brakestick @MuayThaiSteve79 @jerzey devil @Beau Wring
@Oeshon @Rizzo @stanlee @BayAreaGuy @Spiffy @Morning Star @Rygu @RooseTrollton
@Mohawk Mauler @Tyrannosaurus rex @Rozko @Senzo Tanaka @Steve-French @Superbad
@Sano @i420KrYpT @EnthusiastCultivator @Heisenboom @ChickenBrother @RoñaCastroJr
@El Che @Shaungotti @genecop @Mikeydontgiva @Papachulu @horc00 @TheFakeMacoy
@Champagne @esotamoc @Plissken @Gomi1977 @HeLLMuTT @Talent @XmarkX @M4rk
@Uncommon Valor @Bobby 3 Sticks @scorpipede @ineverpost @aus101 @Blue_Ribbon
@Grassshoppa @97talon @Ezekiel 25:17 @Anung Un Rama @mmascene @MastiffMike
@Papasmurf45619 @dildos @xMsBarnez @Prutfis @Osiris007 @benebox @Dillydilly @SaiWa
@Damien Karras @Prologue @Jesus H. Sherdog @qw3rty @Highway99 @Krixes @90 50
@GolovKing @bowened @Aegon Spengler @SiKnSiN @RollSonnenRoll @tobiaswins @BFoe
@DiarrheaPerlmans @ALAN PARTRIDGE @Tone505 @TJ Dillashank @jx820 @Protegejoe296
@Nathan LaMontagne @mike1226 @Philadelphia Collins @cmw43 @MRDOG @RoxyBird
@MeatWagon06 @Nimrod @armbarforhire @paperclip101 @ICHEERTHEBULL @west42
@AZZA B @Luminosity @Kaybee @Tone C @Revolver @Chad The Limey @KotaroTheWolf
@Andrey Kamensky @FinalFight @zuffazombee @heloder @4daLuLZ @Simple Southerner
@JonnyBonesPharmacist @J0N0 @BisexualMMA @Dr Stoppage @Bonos @Brutus.......
@ZeroGravity @Carvaso @TheSauce @k1ngjester @Badoldman @burningspear @fingercuffs
@Squall Leonhart @Hellowhosthat @Mr. Fixit @deviake @Shroud of turinabol @EJRMAN513
@SwamiLeoni @lostdog000 @hohner @Mr. Shickadance @hwm52806 @Goon Dog @TapIt
@cheesus @Omegaboy13 @Washkev @eighterumg5 @CrimsonFan @freakroor @Zanderlini
@BUDDYLOVETT @Vergilius @WaylonMercy5150 @GergreG @Vegeta @TestosterOWN
@Xuh @eworden78 @ookii @Shael @DooHoChoi @weaselkenievil @jericksen5 @Fork
@houjebek @Reign Supreme @SilvaLegacy @Texan6533 @the muntjac @ThereIsNoSpoon
@Nightgunner05 @ModernMatt @struckus @GIBLERTBAPTISTA @DamianK1 @cooks1
@Jballer @The J0ker @deucesarewild @dbo @TapIt @phightens19 @Zer @Odoylerules22
@Adrian Anis @Supasalta3000 @Escabar @ChuckSteak @Trainspotter @jan230 @Corona
@bufetadanacara @JoeyJoeJoeJr @TheWobbler @Sushi Fitness @Pankratios @Kraysla
@RemyR @fungi @fourtyounce48 @phoenixikki @-sin- @Cerberus87 @Kingz @Misfit23
@Misanthropist @Captain Sausage @yamahacrasher @Halge @JackWhite @Cuttyrock
@National Acrobat @PG29 red0 Jr @ThaiSexPills @HaggardSky @Rawex @Sunnyvale TP
@mangokush @websurfer @Ripp0ntare @CZMuayThai11 @Bargey @Kb7 @Michaelangelo
@Fijeeto @Candy Routure @oliviamung @Ali Tanveer @spamking @Diet Butcher @landon
@HardBoiled @Karl_Hungus @TonOdanK @ahme4 @Ghost Boner @mmamxfan @KoChang
@Two Crows @Striderxdj @milkmandanl @itrainufcbro @jnes @Thrawn33 @MDoza @rivera
@Preston Jarrett @Fake Doctor @jimjamjammer @TardStrong @HARRISON_3 @UncleJosh
@2fast2see @AbominableJoman @templewarrior @new_mexico1 @Prex32 @BroRogan
@LSXMMA @SilentFate @StonedLemur @hex @liner @Five Fingered Fresh Fist @west42
@ramsiN @Phlogiston @cincymma79 @Codpiece @-Magua- @xenomorph4prez @zapataxiv
@GirthBrooks @johnnystone @Speedy1 @Vapezilla @Oregonmma @Viking_Hammer
@FyrFytr998 @the gorilla @Rastas @Motleysubs @MLarson @Hollywood Jack @Pliny Pete
@biscuitsbrah @stalehotdog @Cold cash rip @Heavy Hands @revoltub @Otto! @LilMountain
@TheTickG @Ima5starman @boingyman @Pizza Werewolf @Sirwastealot @Long Dark Blues
@TheChance @SalsaDelMuerte @WarHawk @Matt4786 @HUNTERMANIA
Probably kill myself. What a great time to waste away and grow hairs at places you wouldve never imagined ten years ago while still voting on some scammish, shitty, mind rotten "entertainment" while dancing in the circus shit while hairs are growing even in new places while typing this and they starterd growing without notice the first time of such a great debate of fundamental choosing of whats the "greatest".

Fucking dr. kellogg

What a bore.
Probably kill myself. What a great time to waste away and grow hairs at places you wouldve never imagined ten years ago while still voting on some scammish, shitty, mind rotten "entertainment" while dancing in the circus shit while hairs are growing even in new places while typing this and they starterd growing without notice the first time of such a great debate of fundamental choosing of whats the "greatest".

Fucking dr. kellogg

What a bore.


What brought this on?

RIP in peace, young blood.
