Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry to direct MMA movie 'Bruised'

Maybe Halle is the next Scorsese and this is her Raging Bull. ;)
I was going to post something negative, until I read they hired the choreographers from John Whick. Now I'm intrigued.
MMA movies are just not cutting the cake for me...i think they are trash...

But Halle is fucking hot!
Is she one of those celebrity part owners of the UFC? This would all make sense, if so.
Weight Cut Halle Berry

Lol what ? Why would she do this ?
Sounds like shite
Personally I wouldn't watch it but i'm all for it. Anything to make MMA more mainstream. I actually liked that corny ass movie never back down. It was like a MMA tokyo drift to me.
Movie should be about Ronda Rousey but black because diversity.
52 and still hot as fook. Still wood. Half black don't crack.