Old school punk culture...


Gold Belt
May 30, 2013
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Not sure if I remember this correctly. But I grew up in London in the 90s and as a kid I remember the punk culture.

They would hang out by the arcade corners, they had dumbbells and wrist curls and other exercise equipments.

They were either skinny or built. Now ideally the punk culture had lots of drug users but I always heard there was a subculture within that exercised and coveted toughness and survival by knowing how to fight.

The only thing I remember 8 years old in the mid 90s was this tall dude with orange mohawk ans looked like Lee Maurry in a sense or being imposing. He was the leader of the group. But the group would literally train outside in the alleys. I can't tell if this was real or not but felt like a different world.
its still around, not as much as when I was a teen in the 90s though. Hardcore kids were more fitness oriented.
Not sure if I remember this correctly. But I grew up in London in the 90s and as a kid I remember the punk culture.

They would hang out by the arcade corners, they had dumbbells and wrist curls and other exercise equipments.

They were either skinny or built. Now ideally the punk culture had lots of drug users but I always heard there was a subculture within that exercised and coveted toughness and survival by knowing how to fight.

The only thing I remember 8 years old in the mid 90s was this tall dude with orange mohawk ans looked like Lee Maurry in a sense or being imposing. He was the leader of the group. But the group would literally train outside in the alleys. I can't tell if this was real or not but felt like a different world.
So, they looked gay AF ?
Graduated in 05 but I was a punk kid in high school. That energy resonated with me so I was all about it.
When I was a teenager in the early 90's, I used to hang out at a club called 924 Gilman in Berkeley, Ca, its somewhat famous in certain circles because of all the legendary bands that got their start there before they became famous

I wasnt into the music but it was a curious place to hang at and just people watch all the random weirdos and insane characters that frequented places like that

One night we talked two kids into having a pro wrestling match right there on the floor of the mosh pit and they were getting stepped on as they applied the Figure Four Leglock on each other lol

Another time, I met some stereotypical looking punk dude with the huge mohawk and clothespins all over his leather jacket, me and him just bonded for some reason and we walked down to the gas station on the corner and bought a 24 pack of the cheapest beer possible and just sat there on the curb across the street from the club chugging Natty Lights as he told me all his life problems at home

I wonder whatever happened to him, I hope he's doing well

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When I was a teenager in the early 90's, I used to hang out at a club called 924 Gilman in Berkeley, Ca, its somewhat famous in certain circles because of all the legendary bands that got their start there before they became famous

I wasnt into the music but it was a curious place to hang at and just people watch all the random weirdos and insane characters that frequented places like that

One night we talked two kids into having a pro wrestling match right there on the floor of the mosh pit and they were getting stepped on as they applied the Figure Four Leglock on each other lol

Another time, I met some stereotypical looking punk dude with the huge mohawk and clothespins all over his leather jacket, me and him just bonded for some reason and we walked down to the gas station on the corner and bought a 24 pack of the cheapest beer possible and just sat there on the curb across the street from the curb chugging Natty Lights as he told me all his life problems at home

I wonder whatever happened to him, I hope he's doing well

Damn did you get to see op iv or early green day? Or filth? Or rancid? Even cake played there I believe
Grew up playing in bands in the Baltimore/DC scene in the late 90s early 2000s. There were punk, hardcore, goth, indie, and metal kids with a tiny bit of crossover in each. It was lousy with animal rights/straight edge nonsense back then and only imagine it now. Probably all a bunch of fat vegans doing the limp wrist or a bunch of feminist guys all trying to bang their chick singer.
Damn did you get to see op iv or early green day? Or filth? Even cake played there I believe

Yea, Operation Ivy was there a lot, I remember them because they had cool looking stickers, another group called AFI also played there which I remember because my buddy was really into them so we'd go whenever they were there

Green Day played there also but one of the guys in that group dated the sister of some guy that we knew so we actually heard them practice in his parents garage when they were broke nobodies while we stood outside toking on some dirty Mexican brown weed lol

Another group I remember is Swingin Utters, just cause of the name, Im sure we saw lots of other famous groups but Im not into the music so I wouldnt know who was who

The club is still there, its right next to a beer brewery that I go to on a regular basis to watch local pro wrestling shows, but it doesnt have the same wild and crazy vibe it had 30 years ago, at least it doesnt feel that way when I observe it sometimes just outta curiosity
Back in the 90’s in Austin, the Drag (the street across the street from the University of Texas) used to be full of gutter punks panhandling and hanging out. They’d congregate outside Einstein’s (an arcade).

There were tons of punk shows back then and bands like the Queers would sell out. Punk rockers and skinheads everywhere.

The drag lost almost all of its independent stores and now it’s corporatized and shiny.

I have fond memories of that time. As a young kid it was very exciting. @mattemate
I played in a lot of bands in college and played all over. Most of it was more "garage rock", but I played in a couple punk and hardcore bands. I'd say all of the cliques liked to drink and party, but more that were into oi or hardcore did like to fight. It's funny to look back on it. I had some friends that loved to fight, and others that would do anything to avoid it!
Yea, Operation Ivy was there a lot, I remember them because they had cool looking stickers, another group called AFI also played there which I remember because my buddy was really into them so we'd go whenever they were there

Green Day played there also but one of the guys in that group dated the sister of some guy that we knew so we actually heard them practice in his parents garage when they were broke nobodies while we stood outside toking on some dirty Mexican brown weed lol

Another group I remember is Swingin Utters, just cause of the name, Im sure we saw lots of other famous groups but Im not into the music so I wouldnt know who was who

The club is still there, its right next to a beer brewery that I go to on a regular basis to watch local pro wrestling shows, but it doesnt have the same wild and crazy vibe it had 30 years ago, at least it doesnt feel that way when I observe it sometimes just outta curiosity
Your stories are so cozy
Yea, Operation Ivy was there a lot, I remember them because they had cool looking stickers, another group called AFI also played there which I remember because my buddy was really into them so we'd go whenever they were there

Green Day played there also but one of the guys in that group dated the sister of some guy that we knew so we actually heard them practice in his parents garage when they were broke nobodies while we stood outside toking on some dirty Mexican brown weed lol

Another group I remember is Swingin Utters, just cause of the name, Im sure we saw lots of other famous groups but Im not into the music so I wouldnt know who was who

The club is still there, its right next to a beer brewery that I go to on a regular basis to watch local pro wrestling shows, but it doesnt have the same wild and crazy vibe it had 30 years ago, at least it doesnt feel that way when I observe it sometimes just outta curiosity
I’ve actually went to the club but grew up in Florida , so I’ve actually never seen any body play there. Still on the bucket list though.
And that’s awesome about the Swingin’ Utters they’re a fun band that doesn’t seemed to get mentioned too much.
That’s awesome for you though man, lots of punk history has played through that venue and you got to see it at in its heyday .
I always heard there was a subculture within that exercised and coveted toughness and survival by knowing how to fight.

Are you referring to straight-edge, or some other sub-sub culture. Hey, if they'd been into jiu-jitsu, they'd have REALLY been a subculture (rimshot!)/

Back in the 90’s in Austin, the Drag (the street across the street from the University of Texas) used to be full of gutter punks panhandling and hanging out. They’d congregate outside Einstein’s (an arcade).

There were tons of punk shows back then and bands like the Queers would sell out. Punk rockers and skinheads everywhere.

The drag lost almost all of its independent stores and now it’s corporatized and shiny.

I have fond memories of that time. As a young kid it was very exciting. @mattemate

I lived in West Campus from about 04-07, then again in 16. Back in the early 2000s we just called them Drag Rats lmao.

Steamboat was a little before our time, but you might have been able to catch a couple shows there. I think when that place closed, the central spot for punks kind of went away. There are definitely some hangs up on North Loop still. The punks are aging out, but they still congregate at Work Horse. Best macaroni in town lol. They always throw it in the broiler for a few minutes so it gets a nice crust-- maybe it's an homage to the crust punks.
We had some of them in this corner of the world.

Bunch of alcoholic tough guys... I saw guys getting their heads stomped in concrete just to get up and continue like nothing. They never messed with me or my friends but had a fame of throwing down.

The few I see when I go back to my neighborhood are either decrepit old teenagers or normal people that got a job. I'm pretty sure bunch of them are dead by now
Yea, Operation Ivy was there a lot, I remember them because they had cool looking stickers, another group called AFI also played there which I remember because my buddy was really into them so we'd go whenever they were there

Green Day played there also but one of the guys in that group dated the sister of some guy that we knew so we actually heard them practice in his parents garage when they were broke nobodies while we stood outside toking on some dirty Mexican brown weed lol

Another group I remember is Swingin Utters, just cause of the name, Im sure we saw lots of other famous groups but Im not into the music so I wouldnt know who was who

The club is still there, its right next to a beer brewery that I go to on a regular basis to watch local pro wrestling shows, but it doesnt have the same wild and crazy vibe it had 30 years ago, at least it doesnt feel that way when I observe it sometimes just outta curiosity
We very well could have crossed paths.
This vid does a great job summing up the vibe of that time and place.
