Okay I have to bring this up...

Are really shitty beards an "in" thing now? I can't keep up with these stupid trends. Then again, I have a wonderfully manly beard. So making mine shitty would just be too much work. :cool:
Are really shitty beards an "in" thing now? I can't keep up with these stupid trends. Then again, I have a wonderfully manly beard. So making mine shitty would just be too much work. :cool:
Pics or it didn't happen...
Pics or it didn't happen...
What show was that were a guy puts pubes on his face as a beard? It reminds me of that when it's patchy. Doesn't look good IMHO
Are really shitty beards an "in" thing now? I can't keep up with these stupid trends. Then again, I have a wonderfully manly beard. So making mine shitty would just be too much work. :cool:

get out of here you hipster!

Are really shitty beards an "in" thing now? I can't keep up with these stupid trends. Then again, I have a wonderfully manly beard. So making mine shitty would just be too much work. :cool:

I'm jealous. I'm not gonna lie like those other cans.
I thought the one small patch I had was bad. I wouldn't even rock that shit let alone that disaster he has. Shows he doesn't give a shit though.
Some idiot probably told him it looked cool so he went with it lol
Someone made a thread about this yesterday too. Lol @ how looks seem to get just as much if not more attention than actual fights and technique.
@Homeless Infant

Are you a female, Bisexual or gay?

IF not then I apologize but I don't understand the sudden fascination with a man's beard LMAO

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