My kung fu is rusty as fook

That guy in the background working that sweet leg-ride doe.
You're only option then is to travel the world on an extremely low budget and help the needy, the poor and the oppressed with the only way possible.......KUNG FU !

You'll need a theme song but I got you covered with a bitchin tune I just made.
It goes.....
everybody was Kung fu fig-hting
Hnnnn Na hnnnn Na
And that shit was fast as lightning
Hnnnn Na hnnnnnn ho
Something something rhymes with something
Hnnnn a hnnn Na

^take it from here.
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Oh no its the chun[<taker1}

Yeah it is. It was the 2nd style of martial arts i ever tried. Way back in 1997. I started with kyokushin karate. But i did not like that style.

The wing chun guys did sparring that looked like a bad version of MMA. So i stayed with them for almost two years.

In 1999 i met a few boxers and kickboxers for the first time. I got my ass kicked in the sparring. So that was the turning point i guess.
I felt qi flowing through my screen.
Still better than the "kung fu" of the dude playing Iron Fist.
Well that dont say much. I watched the trailer of iron fist. That was enough.
What is the purpose of those arm movements? And why are there two guys rolling on what appears to be hardwood floors? Are they trying to see if matwork works on hard surfaces?
Its a part of the first form from wing chun. Its for loosening up the wrist and shoulders. Because you use it alot when you stick. And the form also teach you to attack and defend the centerline.
Can you please elaborate on why didn't like that style, I'm curious.

Probably more the club then the style. But the combat to kata ratio was not how i liked it. I did not train long. But i watched the advanced classes. And it was the same there.

Also the techniques and moves felt stiff and robotic. It wanted something more fuild and smooth. So i got into kung fu instead.

Kyokushin is a bad ass style at the highest level. And in its purest form. No doubt about that.

But the road to good fighting skills are shorter and more logical in many other styles. And there you can punch in the face..
Can you please elaborate on why didn't like that style, I'm curious.
Me too!
I'd pick Kyokushin over WC.

EDIT: I see the response is already posted above. Thanks.

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