My fingers are stuck ,can't make a fist -advice needed


Blue Belt
Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys ,

I've been having an issue with closing my hand due to the knuckles not going far enough in . Does anyone recommend any stretches that you would recommend in order to help me get full range of motion back ? I'm getting pretty worried and it's been this way for around 4 months .

Many thanks
You need to see if you can get in with an occupational therapist. They specialize in hand therapy. I saw one after my wrist broke. She gave me most of my mobility back. Of course some will never come back but I am happy with the results.
Thanks dogstar , I'm going to the doctor and see if I can get out on a waiting list . This might take some time as I'm from the UK and private health Care is expensive , our health service is free but takes time to be seen by someone for things like physio .
I wake up in the middle of the night with sore/stiff fingers and not being able to make a fist. What helped me was massaging my fingers/stretching them out with ibuprofen gel and of course using tape every class.
A good technique you can do yourself for ameliorating stiffness, is what i call 'revving the motorcycle', which is simply slight multiphasic tension by gently pulling on the finger while gently twisting it, counteracting the most common forms of aggravation (jamming from impacts, and rolling from grip slips).
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I was having serious issues with my finger joints. I added avacados and fish oil to my diet for other reasons but was pleased to find it made a huge difference to my hands.
All of the above is useful...............

But seriously switch to no gi for 6 months.

Whether bjj or judo, the gi wrecks fingers.
Stretch, stretch, stretch.

Also, hot and cold soaks are really helpful.

As far as BJJ goes, change your style up. Play spider guard much? Stop it. Leg lasso? Stop it! Grip heels, wrists, stuff you can monkey grip.

Pretend you're JJ Machado!
All of the above is useful...............

But seriously switch to no gi for 6 months.

Whether bjj or judo, the gi wrecks fingers.

Much wisdom in this post.
Roll in the gi holding a tennis ball in each hand. It will improve your movement and help save your fingers. Ice hands after each class also, and learn how to properly tape your fingers. The gi destroys fingers.
after you've seen a therapist to get ROM back,

git gud

also weightlifting, especially farmer walks (plates or dumbbells), dead lifts, and presses. sledgehammer, kettlebell, and indian clubs are good too.
I have a similar lack of mobility, where I can't for the life of me make a fist that hits with my first knuckles, As can be seen from the second image, the mobility issue is in my knuckles, even with fingers out I can't get them past a 90 degree bend.

What gives, has anyone encountered this before? Is there a way to strike around it or to mobilise past it?

And no it doesn't have to do with how I am making the fist, and no it won't collapse into a better position from the force of a strike. It's also not a temporary condition that will go away from rest.

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Woah way to revive a thread, for what its worth one of my hands is pretty much back to normal and I can make a good fist with it.

The other is still jacked up but is better.

The one thing i have noticed is that inflammation in fingers takes aaaages to dissapear, like im talking up to a year once they are injured.