my diet log to clear skin


Brown Belt
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
After mods recommendation, I've gone with a anti inflammatory diet. Things like diary, eggs, omega 6s are removed from my diet.

For those of you who hadn't seen the previous thread, I got a pull 6pack, muscular, workout 5x a week + martial arts 3x a week, I run 8k 3x a week, and I suffer from cystic acne. This has really hurt my self esteem and confidence. I've finally got acne under control via topical & antibiotics.

Sadly, I've spent my life looking up to Arnold Schwarzenegger & professional fighters, both boxing & mma. I want to emanate this sort of diet in my lifestyle. I use to box when I was in my early teens. Now, I just trian martial arts, look to develop my diet better, and progress.

As of now, I am 99% acne free but, I worry if I stop with the medication, I could end up looking like the elephant man. After a cystic breakout, I ended up with a shallow scar which isn't nice. Its got me very self conscious. Here, I fully intend to document my diet and look to tweak it. I hope any one reading this can tip me off.

Anti-inflammatory Foods May Reduce Inflammation
# For breakfast, try oatmeal served with fresh berries and walnuts.
# Snack on whole fruits, nuts, seeds, and fresh vegetables instead of cookies and candy.
# Eat more fish and less fatty red meat.
# Cook with olive oil and canola oil.
# Try a tofu stir-fry or scramble.
# Have a salad with lots of fresh vegetables as your meal.
# Stay away from deep-fried foods; bake, broil, poach or stir-fry instead.
# Choose dark green or brightly colored vegetables as side dishes -- they should fill half your dinner

Thanks in advance mod. I will look into Robb Wolf's site as well.

Supplements I use:

# Msm

# Multi-vitamin

# Herbs - stress relievers

# Glutamine

# Creatine

# Whey Protein

# Digestive Enzymes

# Probiotics

Note: I will cycle off and on all supplements I use. Aim to acquire all required macro and micro nutrients throughout my meals and resort to supplementation where I am weak.

Please feel free to comment and add recommendations guys. Thank!
I used this treatment called N-Lite and microdermal treatments (Think thats right?). I also used very high strength medication from my doctor called minocycline, which had a few side effects added to it. I wasn't meant to use both at the same time, as it was basically destroying my skin, but it ended out well and now were my acne used to be is barely noticeable, literally no scarring.

The N-Lite and microdermal treatments are really expensive, but I do certainly recommend them to anyone if you have or can get the cash. I'm not sure if changing your diet will work as its not something I tried or something I have much knowledge on. Good luckto anyone, when I got rid of mine I really gained my self esteem. Like I wouldn't even spar in fear of having to take my top off, now I never wear one while training :)

Another thing I found is try to get as much sun on it as possible, not sure if it medically helped, but it seemed to work with if you get a tan they are less visible.
I used this treatment called N-Lite and microdermal treatments (Think thats right?). I also used very high strength medication from my doctor called minocycline, which had a few side effects added to it. I wasn't meant to use both at the same time, as it was basically destroying my skin, but it ended out well and now were my acne used to be is barely noticeable, literally no scarring.

The N-Lite and microdermal treatments are really expensive, but I do certainly recommend them to anyone if you have or can get the cash. I'm not sure if changing your diet will work as its not something I tried or something I have much knowledge on. Good luckto anyone, when I got rid of mine I really gained my self esteem. Like I wouldn't even spar in fear of having to take my top off, now I never wear one while training :)

Another thing I found is try to get as much sun on it as possible, not sure if it medically helped, but it seemed to work with if you get a tan they are less visible.

Well, sadly, I am to avoid the sun due to products and skin damage. Slight scarring. I've seen horrible pics on (people could be a lot worse) yet, this still hurts me and my self esteem. I've been reading self help books, playing video games, eating healthy, working out, doing martial arts, working, and running. I just would do anything. Did you ever battle scarring? I was dealing with cystic acne. Been 99% clear. Slight breakout this week so, less then perfect.

Mod had been helpful. I wish I could have transferred my thread here. Save me more typing but, I posted in the wrong place lol. Any way, I want to date again, I want my social life back, to feel confident, happy, and even love myself more (which I know sounds gay). Its just hard avoiding ice cream, pizza, snacks, for salads, fruits, chicken, tuna (avoiding sodium so less), turkey, no breads, grains, dairy, etc and battling acne or acne scarring. I use to think acne was the worst thing ever. Scarring is horrible. If I was like Shogun or Anderson or a fighter, got a scar from a fight, that is at least cool. Scarring from acne is blows.

How did the N-lite treatment work for you? Is it for scarring or to remove purely acne? I was looking into fraxel but, I am very scared about it.

Scar Tissue : Symptoms and Side-Effects Experienced By Our Members

Worse, it can cause more damage then erase + its very expensive with no guarantees. Last summer, a doctor told me I am handsome and that, she think I will be okay after medicine. Since then, I got scarring, and my actual doctor failed to help me out. Looking to work on my nutrition like the mod suggested.

Any way guys, I am trying my best. I need to document my stuff here.

Today, meals included oatmeal breakfast (water instead of milk), small fruit cup mid day w/ can of tuna (no bread), had turkey for my dinner. Drinking loads of water. I try for about 3+ L a day minimum and more if I workout.
I need to transfer my diet log all here. I took mods advice removing stuff like egg, no dairy, and well, I am still using medication but, limiting it + cycling on and off of it like supplements to prevent serious damage.

1) Meal 1 Oatmeal

2) Fruit cup tuna out of a can lol + chicken noodle soup

3) Chicken, franks red hot, steamed veggies

4) Protein shake

5) small Chicken salad

Questions: I've been warned, eating the same foods, the body can build immunity to them, and even allergies. Is this true?
I have also heard about the effects of eating the same foods causing trouble. I believe that it is just a myth more than a fact.

There are plenty of people here and all over the world that consume the same food/meals on a daily basis with no side effects.

Throw some variety in your diet if you want to be safe
I have also heard about the effects of eating the same foods causing trouble. I believe that it is just a myth more than a fact.

There are plenty of people here and all over the world that consume the same food/meals on a daily basis with no side effects.

Throw some variety in your diet if you want to be safe

my ex gf told me about it. She studies the stuff, going to be a natural path and use to play soccer in the states. Very good with eating and cardio. She actually has English roots and really should be recognized as English not American but, her citizenship is here so, I suppose that is why. Any way, I've been single for sometime, conscious about the skin issue, and well, doing my best.

I ate oatmeal + berries, fruit cup (mostly citrus fruit), ate soup + tuna from a can, chicken for dinner, no left over so, I got a sub whole grain. I usually avoid that but, I am hungry. ANy way, I am going to keep trying. Thank you for tips. :D
Man, so not use to documenting all my eating habits.

Meal 1) Oatmeal +

Meal 2) Soup + Salad + canned tuna

Meal 3) Chicken + veggies

Meal 4) Protein Shake

Meal 5) Oatmeal
hey guys, I am just starting to take greens + & betalinine. Just noticed by body tingling. NO homo... nuts are like tingling... entire body is. I kind of feel sick. I only took a little bit of it too.

Meal 1) Oat meal

Meal 2) salad

Meal 3) mini fruit cup + Tuna

Meal 4) Steak + snow peas

Meal 5) Protein shake (betalinine + greens +)

Meal 6)
Wow, I really need to update this.

Meal 1) Oat meal

Meal 2) Tuna + salad

Meal 3) Fruit cup + Soup

Meal 4) Boiled Chicken + Corn

Meal 5) Protein shake

Meal 6) More Oatmeal

:D I will try to make sure I get it in all my diets regularly.
Meal 1) Oat meal

Meal 2) Subway

Meal 3) fruit cup + Salad w/ chicken

Meal 4) Can of tuna x3 + lots of water

Meal 5) Protein shake

Meal 6) Chicken breast

3L of water per day, multi vitamin, BCAAs, glutamine, and sometimes creatine are my supplements.

I will be trying to be more strict in documenting this stuff. Its pretty repetitive. I hear too much repetition can affect skin as well as the bodies health. Things like causing allergies but, I am not sure of the authenticity of such info.
So, I need to be more strict with myself with this diet. I've had some dental work done so, I couldn't eat solid foods that past while.

Meal 1-6 has consisted mostly of lots of water, smoothies, crushed fruit, OJ, protein shakes, and oatmeal.
Man, everyday is a a new battle.

I feel better then other days. Today wasn't such a great day. I hope to feel better soon.

Meal 1) Oat meal

Meal 2) Salad w/ canned tuna.

Meal 3) Lrg Fruit cup. (mostly crushed pineapple, strawberries, blue berries, kiwi, lemons, etc).

Meal 4) Soup chicken noodle home made

Meal 5) More tuna

Meal 6)More oat meal

My complexion is looking better. I met with my dermatologist a couple days ago. I got more samples for free cause I have no coverage and well, he gave good feed back. Considering fillers for scarring.

Fuck its awfully depressing when you got more scars on your face then a pro or amateur mma fighter. :( One guy on sherdog recommended me a book. I am going to read it and post some insight.
I woke up today with a horrible head ache. This indicates, I must intake much more water then I have been, and I think I will purchase a greens + but one without caffeine.
meal 1: Oatmeal

meal 2: fruit cup

meal 3: Tuna, salad sm


* I haven't ate these meal but, they are prepared or planned.

meal 4: Chicken w/ asparagus

meal 5: Protein shake * post workout + some citrus fruits (pineapple, lemon, oranges, tangerines, etc)

meal 6: Oatmeal