My ADD Training Log


Getting Crunk
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
UPDATED 12/31/2011

Height: 6-2
Weight: 215
BJJ Blue Belt
Age: 39
I currently work out at home in my garage 3-4 days a week and train Brazilian Jiu-jitsu 2-4 days a week. I'm also training to compete in Scottish Highland Games. Before starting a legit strength program in May 2010, I had not really lifted weights for close to 20 years.

The key to my success has been consistency. The keys to my consistency have been:
- Setting measurable, achievable strength goals
- Getting on a program that keeps me interested because I am constantly setting PRs.

I've gotten a lot stronger, as you can see from the numbers below....

In May 2010, I tested my 5 rep max:

Bench: 205
Squat: 225
Deadlift: 255
SOHP: 125

I've made huge gains since starting:

Current PR's:
Bench: 1x305 - 12/21/2011
Low Bar Squats: 1x405 - 12/23/2011
Deadlift: 1x465 - 12/19/2011
SOHP: 1x205 - 12/27/2011
Push Press: 1x245 - 12/29/2011
Weighted Chins: 1xBW+115 (336 lb Total) - 5/2/2011

GOALS FOR 2011 - Updated 6/21/2011
Bench Press: 300 <-- Completed 9/6/2011
Squat: 405 <-- Completed 12/23/2011
Deadlift: 500
Strict Press: 185 <-- Completed 9/9/2011
Push Press: 225 <-- Completed 10/19/2011
Grip: Close CoC #2.5

Bench Press: 315
Strict Press Bodyweight
Last edited:
Week 1 (5/10/2010)
Bench 100x5 120x5 150x5 165x5 195x5
Squat 200x5x5
Rows 200x5x5

SOHP 100x5x4
Deads 230x5x5
Squats 160x5x5
Pullups 5 sets x5

Bench 185x5x5
Squat 115x5 135x5 155x5 185x5 215x5
Rows 115x5 135x5 155x5 185x5 215x5 *bad form on last set, too much weight

Week 2 - everything is 5 reps
Monday (5/17)

Bench 105 125 145 165 205
Squat 215 215 215 215 215
Rows 195 195 195 195 195
Military Press 115 115 115 115
Deadlifts 245 245 245 245 245
Squats 175 175 175 175 175
Bench Press 195 195 195 195 195
Squat 115 135 155 185 225
Rows 115 135 155 185 215

Week 3 - everything is 5 reps
* I hurt my knee playing football, so didn't do legs this week. Instead I checked out Westside for skinny bastards & did the upper body workout from there this week along with bench & sohp. I didn't write it down...
Bench 105 125 145 165 215
Military Press 125 125 125 125
Bench Press 205 205 205 205 205

Week 4
* knee feeling better, so I tested it out & it worked well, back to squats :)
** everything is 5 reps

Monday (5/31)
Bench 115 135 155 185 225
Squat 225 225 225 225 225
Rows 215 215 215 215 215
Military Press 135 135 135 135
Deadlifts 265 265 265 265 265
Squats 185 185 185 185 185
Bench Press 215 215 215 215 215
Squat 115 145 175 205 245
Rows 115 145 175 205 225
Week 5 (deload week)

Monday (6/7)
Bench 115 135 155 185 225
Squat 225 225 225 225 225
Rows 215 215 215 215 215
Military Press 135 135 135 135
Deadlifts 265 265 265 265 265
Squats 185 185 185 185 185

Week 6 (3x3)
* now we start the 3x3! I've been really happy with my gains so far & I'm stoked about this...

Monday (6/14)
Bench 135 195 235
Squat 255 255 255
Rows 225 225 225
Military Press 145 145 145
Deadlifts 275 275 275 275 275
Pullups ** I have been doing body weight pullups until I had the great idea today to use a BJJ belt to hang a plate from my neck while doing pullups.Worked great! So I did bodyweight + 25 lbs for 5x5. And then I realized I was supposed to be doing a 3x3...Oh well, more weight next week.
btw, I've also been doing gripwork, but haven't been writing it down. Each day I work out, I've been finishing with the following:

CoC T: 3 sets of 10
CoC 1: set of whatever I can do: 3-6 reps

Plate pinches: 3 sets of 3 10's.

Try for 4 dimes. I got it last week, but couldn't do it today (6/16)
Glad to see a fellow lurker here on sherdog lol i beat you by about 6months! I wish i have a home gym too, maybe once i have a family. That way i'll teach my kids how to lift.

Good luck with your goals!
Thanks hatchoo! I wouldn't necessarily call it a home gym, but its an adjustable bench & I can do it serves the purpose for the 5x5.

6/16 update:
Decided to go to jiu-jitsu last night. Went for an hour, but it was HARD, since I had lifted in the afternoon. I think the only time I can do that effectively might be when I can lift in the early morning.
6/17 - 1.5 hours jiujitsu today

Here's what I did today:

Bench 225x3x3
Squat 135x3 (warmup) 185x3 235x3 275x3
Dynamic Rows 135x3 185x3 235x3
CoC #T:
RH: 3sets of 12
LH: 3 sets of 10
CoC #1:
RH: 6 reps, 3 reps
LH: Squeeze & hold for 5 sec (can't quite close it)
Plate Pinch:
3x10's: 3 sets, 15s each hand
4x10's: No luck
2x25: *really* close, but no cigar

This is the end of the first week of the 3x3 and the numbers continue to go up. This week I increased my PR on all exercises:

Bench: 235x3
Squat: 275x3
Deads: 275x5x5
SOHP: 145x3x3
Rows: 235x3

Feels good!
Monday 6/21

Bench 135x2 155x3 205x3 245x3
Squat 135x3 205x3 265x3x3
Dynamic Rows 235x3x3
Coc #T 3x12 RH, 3x10 LH
CoC #1 1x5 RH, 5 sec holds LH
3 10lb plates - 3x15s both hands

I was stoked with the 245 bench today! I didn't think I could do 235 last week, but did. Definitely didn't think I could do 245 this week, but I did. 255 next week maybe? That would be fuckin awesome!

Also gonna have to start integrating some running. I'm signed up for a 5k on July 4th and I don't want to have to kill myself to finish.
Tuesday 6/22

Ran 2.75 miles & then swam 10 laps in the pool. Don't think I'm going to make it to BJJ tonight due to family stuff...

I'll be sore tomorrow from the run...
Wednesday 6/23, continuing the 5x5...

Warmup: 45x5, 115x5
Attempted 150 & got about 1.5 reps. I think my warmup was not good enough...
So I did: 145x3, then tried 150 again & succeeded:
150x3, 150x3

Warmup: 135x5, 225x3
285x5 - Felt Really good, so I increased the weight for the next 4 sets:
300x5 300x5 300x5 300x5

bodyweight +35lbs: 3sets x3reps each

CoC #T: 3x15 reps each hand
CoC #1: RH: 3 reps, 2x 5sec hold
LH: 3x 5 sec holds
3x10lb plate pinch: 3x 15sec each hand

**300 lb deadlift was hard but felt great!!
Thursday 6/24 - ran 3.5 miles this am. I'm sore from running on Tuesday & then 5 sets of deadlifts yesterday.
Thursday 6/24 PM - 2.5 hours BJJ

Time for Jacuzzi & sleep...
Friday 6/25 - Finishing up Week 7 of the 5x5

warmup: 135x3, 185x3, 205x2
volume day: 235x3, 235x3, 235x3

Squat: 205x3, 245x3, 285x3

Dynamic Rows: 135x3, 185x3, 235x3

3x10lb holds: 3x15-20s each hand
4x10lb hold: RH - 4 sec
CoC #T: 3x10 each hand
CoC #1: 3x5sec holds each hand

** After gripping the 4x10lb weights, tried to grab a camera so I could put it on youtube. Of course I couldn't do it once the camera was on...*sigh*
Monday 6/28

Struggled today a bit. Too much partying this weekend...

Warmup: 10 pullups, 10 pushups
Bench: 135x5, 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 255x2 <--missed the 3rd rep. bummed.
Squats: 135x5, 205x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3
Dynamic Rows: 235x3, 235x3, 235x3
Grip: CoC #T: 12x3 both hands.
CoC #1: 4 reps right hand, then 3 5sec holds each hand

Ran 1.5 miles.

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