Relationship Moms

Sorry to hear about the outcome. I can tell across the internet that you loved her a great deal. I'm certain it was much more obvious to her.
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Hey everyone.

My mom is very sick. I don’t know if she is going to make it but I’m trying to stay positive.

It’s getting harder and harder.

If anyone has any stories they would like to share, or advice to give, I would love to hear it.

My mom died from cancer last November . . . on my birthday of all days. I thought knowing it was coming would've made it easier, but it really didn't. The only silver lining is that I was there with my dad when it happened and we know mom was a Christian and is with Christ.

As far as advice . . . just keep being as positive as possible and remember the good times you've shared with her. One of my brothers brought something up today that I hadn't thought about . . . our grandpa died in 1979. We were thinking about how much has happened since mom died and what we'd have to talk to her about . . . we can't imagine how much our dad might have to bring grandpa up to speed on since 1979.
Hey everyone.

My mom is very sick. I don’t know if she is going to make it but I’m trying to stay positive.

It’s getting harder and harder.

If anyone has any stories they would like to share, or advice to give, I would love to hear it.


My mom died when I was barely an adult so I can only give advice in what not to do should the worst come to pass.

Do not let your grief make you self-destructive and shun the world, your family and your loved ones or make you angry at the world

If she's still conscious and able to spend what time you can talking to her. I was so scared when my mom went down and I was sure she'd beat it as she kicked every other obstacle in her paths ass so I avoided the hospital as much as I could and I regret that

I tapped the rosary for you and your mother and I hope she makes it through and that advice is not needed.
May her memory be eternal.

Live every day to make her proud. Her physical presence may be gone be she's still very much with you, in your veins, in your memories and thoughts.

If you have a moment, watch this ted talk about greif. It helped me during this time:

You now have to move forward with her. You may not feel like you are, but you have no choice. She made you.

Feel better soon.
She’s gone.
As far as physics of things goes, spacetime is the same thing and the only reason we can move about in the 3rd dimension but only one way in the 4th(Time) is because we are 3D entities. If we were 4D entities we could go forwardals and back through time also.

As such asking what happens after you die is like asking what happens after the end of your fingers.

The answer is that after the end of your fingers that isn't you. Of course our pattern effects many other patterns so our influence is much further.

But, it means the you as a child exists just as much as the you now in the same way that your left arm exists at the same time as your right arm. So you never can cease to exist, nothing can, everything just is, forever.

So your mother hasn't gone anywhere, she exists as much as ever, it's just that she has got off the bus and you're still moving. It sucks that we can't see them, but they're not 'gone'. Just over the hills there.
Sorry, Aegon. Don't let the regrets haunt you. They go both ways in every relationship. I'd bet you were a good son to her.
She’s gone.
Sorry for your loss buddy. My father in law is 94 and I feel his time is approaching as well. He’s literally one of the greatest men I’ve had the pleasure of knowing.
She’s gone.

I'm truly sorry. I lost my mother a litter over two years ago. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about her and lament. As you, I regret about my patience with her at times, or putting things off.

There's pain because of love, which is fortunate.
A good mom is such a game changer in someone's life. Sending good vibes your way ts

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