Mike Perry posted some tweet singing to himself about b*tches...


The Porkchop Express
Feb 8, 2017
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That one made me laugh to randomly see his name there like that, laying the smackdown on Mike.

The Platinum Bus Hero is missed around here.

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This is one of those tweets that I could see the guy actually saying in person
Did this inbred even finish high school. ..
Sounds like a pathetic sob. Fuck him, let him fanride another cock.
Platinum Nation members hoping there is a chance they can be that bitch{<BJPeen}
Sounds like he's taking the breakup well....

Aluminium Nation in absolute shambles. Will they ever recover?
I can feel the emotion in @Jehannum post

Mike's quoting a Lil Wayne lyric from dedication 6 however

Lmao at most of Platinum Nation being Euro-trash who don't get it

Lmao at most of Platinum Nation being Euro-trash who don't get it

I noticed this as well. I wonder why considering Mike Perry is the perfect example of what Us Muricans call a "Wigger"
who cares about a guy who cant even beat the set up fights UFC is feeding him.
Sounds like he's listening to Lil Wayne. Is that his breakup music?
Did Perry break up with that blond haired chick?