Mens only gym?


Gold Belt
May 30, 2013
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Are there any gym that is "men's only"

I ask because lots of guys I know are complaining about the fact that women in the gym are taking spaces or looking at their phone and being loud in general. They also complain women dressing up to garner attention and when they receive attention they become agro about it. All and all lots of drama.

For me, I see this as a potential market since I have experience in being a fitness instructor. I am wondering if I were to open up a small gym that caters to men, could I set sued?

INB4 the shame language police shows up in this thread with the following " You gay bro?"
The women at the gym are half the reason to go
I don't care if women look at their phones at the gym, though I don't appreciate paying the same membership fees when I'm not allowed to use about 25% of the gym.

That said, a men's only gym has a name. They're called bathhouses.
A lot of men goto gym just to check out chicks. Same for chicks. The chicks you described in the OP are there specifically for guys. When the right one hits on them, they'll cream.

Gyms are already mainly guys. I think there are gay gyms out there. Basically what I'm trying to say is, you won't get as many customers.
I don't care if women look at their phones at the gym, though I don't appreciate paying the same membership fees when I'm not allowed to use about 25% of the gym.

That said, a men's only gym has a name. They're called bathhouses.
Go on...
you can say "INB4"

but that still doesn't answer the question

are you, in fact, gay, bro?
This isn't a problem exclusive to women. Generally speaking i find the men to be more annoying (especially the older ones) because of the problems you listed before. In my experience women have a bit more tunnel vision and kind of tune out when they work out. Guys like to linger for some reason.

I work at a gym and train after hours all by myself so i don't always run into these issues. If i wasn't though i would suggest training at an athletes gym and not some random commercial gym. Athletes tend to be more aware and mindful of gym etiquette.
girls in gym best, half is hot. girls always scared to use big weights or free weights, and they usually get off when confront or ask.

earlier at gym today girl with is good ass was in doggystyle position doing some stretch i was doing a run on treadmill and i kept thinking about my dick in that booty and pink kitty. extra motivation
sounds pretty gay, the main reason i went to the gym was to check out chicks
Screw that, I'm married so I look forward to seeing hot poon at the gym (it's all I'm left with). And for you single bros i've been told chicks that go to the gym like to be passed around.
you can say "INB4"

but that still doesn't answer the question

are you, in fact, gay, bro?

I am going to be if I keep running in to these so called "women"



Females are transforming in to repulsive creatures:

There was a men’s only gym near where I live. It went out of business in about a year.
I've heard of some gyms that are unofficially mens-only i.e. mostly male clientèle. The result? Literally full of gay men.
how many "i hate girls" gimmicks do we have on here now...

I go to the gym almost everyday and never had this problem with girls.. I hate when people have classes with personal trainers and they take up the machines but looking at hot girls is one of best parts of going to a gym.
Anyone who complains about sweaty hot 20 somethings wearing yoga pants while running on the treadmill is not anyone that I want to know.
how many "i hate girls" gimmicks do we have on here now...

I go to the gym almost everyday and never had this problem with girls.. I hate when people have classes with personal trainers and they take up the machines but looking at hot girls is one of best parts of going to a gym.

No kidding man ! I guess when you're at the bottom strata of the male dominance hierarchy you tend to be bitter , and wear said bitterness on your sleeve......apparently.
It can be a pain, but all the extra Booty is more than worth it. It's the best motivation factor when you're feeling lazy and unmotivated

Honestly, chicks are mostly using dumb machines, it's usually dudes that are a pain in the ass. My gym only has 2 squat racks (lame), and sometimes these lame powerlifting guys take em over for like hours
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