Meme Thread: v2

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We should tag them whenever something like this is posted

Look at Jackie Boys' response in the other thread. They ignore what they can't argue against. This is why I've given up trying to talk to these.

My cousin is one of them. I showed him the Ben Shapiro video about the myth of the radical muslim minority. He said he would have to see the sources himself. I showed him the pew poll. He said he still rejected it because he knew Muslims who he believes aren't radical. He has several degrees, he understands the difference between empirical and anecdotal evidence. So I asked him 'so even if it's proven that the majority of Muslims are radicalized you still wouldn't accept it?' And he said 'yes.'

They don't are about reality. They're much happier living in La La Land. And we should be happy about that too. They've lost in America, they've lost in the UK, they're starting to lose in Europe. They've lost in Asia.

Nationalism is back in a big way and, for now at least, the globalists are at bay.

LAPD makes AntiFa clean up after themselves. <mma4>
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