MC Hammer's Greatest Song?


Don't Put My Name in the Name of Steroids!
Jul 3, 2010
Reaction score

What does Sherdog think?
I'm gonna miss not hearing this anymore at Raiders games
Fuck mark davis and the las vegas raiders


Best song and the video had the star power
I'm dope on the floor and I'm magic on the mic
U Can't Touch This

That song along with Kriss Kross- Jump and Vanilla Ice- Ice Ice Baby were the shit back in the day. Now they are just shit, but I don't care. Nostalgia blinders have me enjoying them even to this day.
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Hammer was so awful. He had nothing original to offer, and his fashion sense is atrocious. The money he made by copying other people's songs was squandered quickly, serves him well.
It's too hard to pick just one.

My fav.

This is for the ninja turtle fans..