Marijuana Will be Legal Across Canada as of October 17th

Marijuana for recrational use will officially be legal in Canada as of october 17 2018.

What are your thoughts on weed legalization in general. Do you agree, disagree?

"Euphoric, narcotic, pleasantly hallucinant"—that's what Mustapha says of soma. It's arguably the best tool the government has for controlling its population. It sedates, calms, and most importantly distracts a person from realizing that there's actually something very, very wrong—namely, that the citizens of the World State are enslaved.
How many Sherdoggers are from BC lmao seems like a few surprisingly. BC dirty dope smoker checking in here.
Rick Moranis gonna go buck wild now.

Srsly though, is this really supposed to dissolve black market selling?
If done right it definitely could shrink it. Unfortunately it's not being done right.