Looking for a program !


White Belt
Dec 28, 2016
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Hello guys ! I'm finding a strength training program to improve my strength for striking (not include heavy bag work , pad work , footwork ,...etc). Here is my old schedule in Muay Thai :
*In the morning :
Run for 3 miles or 15 minutes skipping rope
3 set of 5 minutes shadow boxing
*4 to 6 hours later :
-50 Squats
-50 Forward Jumping Squats
-50 Side Jumping Squats
-3 Sets of MAX Push-ups
-3 x 3 Minute Rounds Jump Rope
-3 x 3 Minute Rounds Punches with Dumbbells
-3 x 5 Minute Rounds Bag Work
-3 Sets MAX Sit-ups
-3 Sets of 25 Side Bends w/ weight (each side)
-2 Sets of Gymnastic Bridge to Failure
-3 Sets of 15 Neck Raises w/ weight on a rope hanging from mouth
-2 Minutes Tennis Ball Foot Juggling (each leg)
*Some times with weight training .
I found this https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/train-like-striking-truth-star-georges-st-pierre.html , I wonder does it works .
Please give me some advises , I don't have enough cash for luxury gym though .
--------------------Thanks all for reading --------------------
read the FAQ of this board to get a direction. ask your coach and stronger training partners.

you should do a beginner barbell routine or some sound progression with bodyweight exercises. starting strength or stronglifts are popular beginner barbell routines. startbodyweight.com has a good progression of calisthenics more focused on strength.

the bas rutten audio workouts are good to follow for bag work/conditioning if you workout alone or at home.