Libs still don't get it

If they do they just become massive hypocrites as that is what the GOP did with Obama for the last 8 years. I was hoping more in my party could have acted like adults, but that is not looking like the case.
Well, to be fair - why should they? It's seemed to have worked pretty well for the Rs...
We have 20 trillion in debt. The interest alone is 3-400 billion a year and climbing. Your 500 billion will basically cover the interest for now.

On a personal level I wouldn't call busting my ass to barely afford the interest on my ever increasing debt a viable plan.

But cutting taxes and increasing spending exponentially is?
Well, to be fair - why should they? It's seemed to have worked pretty well for the Rs...

On the federal level, not so much. They have not gotten any of their agenda through and Obama is only out of office because of term limits.
As far as his appointments, I'm willing to give them a chance even the outsiders.

I'm a little concerned about the lack of experience by a couple of them but maybe they can fix some of the shit that's wrong with a new point of view.

Yes the left is not going to like the direction they want to go in, well that was the reason Trump was voted in, to change direction in some things.

I'll wait and see what they want to do and what they do.
On the federal level, not so much. They have not gotten any of their agenda through and Obama is only out of office because of term limits.
On a federal level - Obama accomplished nothing after the economic recovery, and the Rs now hold power in every branch.
On a federal level - Obama accomplished nothing after the economic recovery, and the Rs now hold power in every branch.

Well that to. So I guess if the Dems what nothing to be accomplished for the next 8 years, save for that the GOP can push through, we can get a shot when Trump is out of office because of term limits.

It's funny how extreme the left has gone, with SJWs being the vanguard. I would be considered very liberal if this was the 1980's, since I'm pro-universal healthcare, pro-gay marriage and mostly pro-choice, while against global intervention and religion influencing government. Still, I'd be considered a Nazi, homophobe, racists and misogynist if I debate the SJWs. I remember when I opposed forcing Christian bakers to make a wedding cake for a gay wedding, I was called a religious bigot here despite being an outspoken atheist.

The thing is the extreme left are not interested in debate and have tarnished the term "liberal" beyond repair. They want to label and shut out any dissenting opinions. A liberal is suppose to stand for personal liberty, freedom of expression and equality. There is nothing free, expressive or equal when SJWs actively demean, mock and silence potential opponents. It's their way or the highway.
On the federal level, not so much. They have not gotten any of their agenda through and Obama is only out of office because of term limits.
the house, the senate, a thousand state seats and governorships across the nation
damn term limits
Significantly increasing spending while significantly decreasing taxes increases debt significantly.
Depends on where he's increasing spending & decreasing taxes. If done right, it can boost the economy.

For example the less money I spend on taxes, the more money I put back into the economy, which will still be taxed anyway through sales tax & numerous other ways. Basically people will disperse more money throughout the economy instead of the government getting that money directly through taxation & spending it wherever they want.
But cutting taxes and increasing spending exponentially is?

I'm not saying he will solve the debt. ..I'm saying having the interest on debt being one of the top budget line items while not touching the principle is not managing the debt.

No viable candidate in this election was going to touch the debt.
If trump championed an idea that liberals liked such as universal health care or affordable post secondary, liberals would be hard pressed to oppose it.

The left complied all too willingly with the right during the clinton era of deregulation and the Bush era of spending trillions on war. Often times when these parties work together it is destructive.
That's because they only work together when it benefits themselves. They being the politicians. Issues that only affect the people are points of contention to play the game with.
It doesn't surprise me really....
Libs have this habit of doing the same thing over and over again or believing these ridiculous ideas even with all of the opposing facts, stats present.

Most libs still think Trump because of racism or that more racist white Americans voted.

They just don't get it...I don't think they ever will
Fuck 'em.
Interesting that years of Republican obstruction of really everything Obama wanted to do and that's fine, some Dems aren't attending the inauguration and now you guys are bitching? Now we have to "come together" and support the president? You guys are a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

Besides, why would Dems support policies and cabinet picks that they strongly disagree with?
the reason Libs really lost: they almost unfathomably are the most egregious and pervasive WHINERS in the history of the free world, yet A) don't realize it, and B) think any criticism of their whining is also whining, so it causes them to form some artificial moral high ground.

Many of them are literally in their own worlds
Only one problem with this: not a single Conservative has whined about anything ITT, unlike the leftoids. You have it backwards.

Wow that's rich. This thread was made by a conservative to whine about liberal protesters. Pretty damned clear.

But a good day to you, Sir.