Social Lead designer of Black Panther video game admits she doesn't hire white people.

Mack Yancy

Brown Belt
Nov 28, 2022
Reaction score

One of the developers for the upcoming Black Panther video game once admitted she doesn't hire white people because 'it's hard to work with them.'.

'ValiDate has a team of all people of color. We have no white people on our team,' she shared during a talk at the Game Devs of Color Expo.

Erfan Ebrahimnia, a web developer, said: Lead Developer of new Black Panther game admitted to hire based on skin color.

'Where did we go wrong as a society that someone like this can be proudly racist online without any repercussions?


Gamers have started slamming Cliffhanger Games, leaving comments in its X account denouncing Lalonders' comments.

Ironically, the company had posted advertising that they were looking for 'diverse, fearless artists to collaborate' on the Black Panther game.
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You should be free to choose who you want to hire and work with but currently you are not so her being black should be no exception to these rules
Is the game any good? Is it like some superhero movie character game or like your playing an actual black panther from back in the day or are you a panther hunting prey?
Is the game any good? Is it like some superhero movie character game or like your playing an actual black panther from back in the day or are you a panther hunting prey?

It's not out, still in development. No details about the game exist.
Damn, I was looking forward to playing as hughie p newton and taking over the streets of some town, and especially the level where you have to take over a voting site and defend it against hordes of kkk attackers.

Oh, not that black panther? Oops
Show me one article from a woke left type that is explicitly pro white people.

I'll wait.

I live in LA and just watched a ton of “woke left type” participate in a holiday the celebrates the culture of white Celtic folks.

Nobody needs to write an article with explicit praise to hold support for a community. I doubt you can find a bunch of articles from staunch conservative that is explicitly pro-Buddhism. Does that mean the right doesn’t like them? No.

Why don’t you post some explicitly pro white articles from these conservatives? I have a feeling what you’re really describing is articles that support white people’s victim complex.
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