Krav Maga "clinch"/grab for knee strikes - is it effective?

If you do talk to police for love of god never say "I choked him out" or "shot a double".

He attacked me, I was afraid he was gonna kill me, I don't remember much, etc.
Grappling/Takedown definitely not good where there could be a weapon, good to know but it's more of a last resort subject to common sense.

Mostly you want to pull your ASP, use it if you have to and get the heck out of there.

The only problem is sometimes you end up in a fight that is less serious, you would be unarmed, and that can escalate. In that case I'd want to take him out with strikes with the least amount of damage needed and get out of there.

Sparring mentality can hurt you despite that it is good training. Wanting to show off what a good fighter you are, impress girls that may be present, etc and he pulls a knife when you start kicking his ass.

My priority in order of use would be:

Eye gouge/biting

If I'm reduced to biting and scratching something has gone seriously wrong.

This was the mentality I was trying to explain in the earlier posts. You did a way better job of explaining the "sparring mentality." Sometimes people just want to show off what they got and adhere to the rules of the ring. Most of the time it probably works if you're fighting against the untrained, but like you said, other times shit happens.
I do thought of shits that could happened to me. Give me more ideas to avert it. But yes, sometimes shits just happen.

I think a very important thing to consider is your fight mentality. Being able to handle the intimidation is very important. If you're anxious and scared, you are going to give him more of an advantage than if you were calm. Some people in my gym that I spar with are also quite intimidating and although I do well against them, I would say that I wouldn't do as well in a street fight. This probably stems from the fact that I know I would be in real danger and a sudden burst of adrenaline doesn't do that well for my psyche. With that being said, all the fights I've been in, I have kept a level head and the fights were broken up with no real damage being dealt to me or the other. I can't say the same about other people though who may have a bad case of fight jitters like black belts who get their asses handed to them.

I have also seen a seminar or class on youtube that trained how to deal with real world aggression. It was quite interesting as you see a guy dressed up in full body armor walk towards you, push you, yell and curse at you.

If you do talk to police for love of god never say "I choked him out" or "shot a double".

He attacked me, I was afraid he was gonna kill me, I don't remember much, etc.

Wait you think trying to bullshit cops into pretending you don't know what your doing when you have pictures of you on Facebook I'm the gym, at fights etc, is the way to go?
As opposed to, I knew exactly what I was doing, I used THE MINIMUM FORCE required to defend myself. I applied a choke I've used many times before safely.
Attempted murder my ass, keep eating what that strip mall instructor is feeding you...
If you do talk to police for love of god never say "I choked him out" or "shot a double".

He attacked me, I was afraid he was gonna kill me, I don't remember much, etc.

If you are going to say anything to the police, you should say that you will reserve your right to remain silent, and then get a lawyer, before you say anything else.

If you were in a really bad situation, where you hurt someone, and it was real self defense and not some bullshit monkey dance, then you may not remember clearly or be able to articulate what happened in a way that is favorable to yourself.

Cops are tricky and will try to get you to say something incriminating by acting sympathetic. Just keep your mouth closed. Being arrested is not that big of a deal. Being arrested if you defend yourself from someone of another race insulates you from criticism some anyway.
Wait you think trying to bullshit cops into pretending you don't know what your doing when you have pictures of you on Facebook I'm the gym, at fights etc, is the way to go?
As opposed to, I knew exactly what I was doing, I used THE MINIMUM FORCE required to defend myself. I applied a choke I've used many times before safely.
Attempted murder my ass, keep eating what that strip mall instructor is feeding you...

Going to the gym isnt evidence of premeditated murder. lmao.
Dude you gotta read the news man. Today I turned on 1010 wind and usually they give 5 stories And 3 of them were about some guy going balls mad and shooting or cutting people.

Kid named Eliot Rogers goes on about being a virgin and what not so he goes around town shooting down females before getting shot by cops.

Another kid launches a barricaded attack on his mom with a knife and kept her there until a cop shot him in the house.

Then another guy a few days or week ago decided to put down a girl who rejected him and her mom then went outside and frantically started attacking people

Then a few days ago some Korean kid went balls mad after playing like 20 hours of video games and started killing people with a knife in a train station.

Then two days ago this dude went up to a Chinese guy and started beating him up for no reason and walked away. The guy died and turns out that guy was on drugs.

The most interesting story I've ever heard was that a few years ago this guy who was denied a chess game at the park and got so mad he picked out a random guy punches him. The guy dodged but lost his fitting fell and hit his head them went into a coma.

Crazy times out there...

And how many fights are there around the world where no one gets stabbed, kicked in the balls or eye gouged? Probably thousands every single day. Perspective is everything
Going to the gym isnt evidence of premeditated murder. lmao.

Nope, but lying to the cops is perjury, and people that try to bullshit and bluff them end up in trouble. Who said anything about "evidence of premeditated murder"?!?!
Put your tinfoil hat back on, it'll keep those voices out.
just hope he doesnt have a knife when you do your "power double". Or that the moment you start to choke him he gouges YOUR eye out with his thumb.

This is idiotic man, just STFU already. If he has a knife hidden and you didn't know about it, then whatever the fuck you do....whether it's going for a UFC takedown or standing up and Krap Magoo'ing him....the knife is still going to surprise the fuck out of you and you'll probably get stabbed.

And trained fighters don't go around trying to RAPE-CHOKE people like you Krap Magoo.'s train for most of the time; defense vs. retarded rape-chokes. Most of the time, it will be the RNC; and if it's sunk in, you ain't gouging anyone's eyes out from that position. All the RNC choker has to do is tuck his eyes against your back to shield them and now he's going to at least give you permanent brain damage before letting go for trying to eye gouge like a bitch.

And taking someones back in a street fight is asinine - his buddy comes up and bootstomps your face and you are looking at some permanent disablement.

So why the fuck is the BJJ guy always the loner and never having any friends in these stupid scenarios? People who trains semi serious or more, end up being close friends and hang out all the time, usually more than with their own families. Renzo Gracie was recently in a fight in NYC vs. Bouncers. Renzo had his whole damn crew with him. think your Tighty-Whitey, dial 911, American suburbia streets are tougher than those of Brazil, or that the Gracies don't know how to streetfight?

"I was standing there with a big group of Gracies and Gracie students who were always at that club causing major mayhem. ...We had plenty of bar fights, every single time we went somewhere it was a problem.....One other thing Daniel liked to do -- if he had something against a guy but didn
Practice it your next BJJ session. Start with taking someone's back and have someone come up and kick you on the side of your head. Hard to defend.

Again, if you think guys arent walking around with EDC's or friends than are you folling yourself. Do you not think its possible?

Man, you must be some Krap Magoo Level 1 noob. Legit Krap Magoo trains a fair amount of BJJ from L2 and up but also some in L1. There's takedown defense AND offense. Yes, Krap Magoo does teaches to take it to the ground as an OPTION. Not all KM schools are completely united in their ways and thinking, so there are variations. But common sense would dictate that you still should learn ground fighting, a la BJJ, as an option should you get taken down or is getting your ass beat, standing up.
Going to the gym isnt evidence of premeditated murder. lmao.

There are significant legal precedence placing Martial Artists more at fault in such questionable street combat cases, especially where both sides claims self defense. And an MA'ist can be some KM nutswinger like yourself who can't fight for shit, yet can still be consider to be in the same group of lethality as real fighters all the way up to the UFC level. And if the other guy's face is way fucked up....well in your case, it would be his nutsack'll more likely go to jail if they dig up all the Facebook proofs of your Krap Magooing lifestyle, etc. for the judge.
And how many fights are there around the world where no one gets stabbed, kicked in the balls or eye gouged? Probably thousands every single day. Perspective is everything

Uhh that's not a good reason not to be cautious. It's not really about perspective it's about being prepared.

Like in the military. How often are they ever gonna rely on hand to hand combat? Like less than 1%. But they still teach them a little bit just in case.

Being prepared is good. There's no such thing as being overly prepared
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Wait you think trying to bullshit cops into pretending you don't know what your doing when you have pictures of you on Facebook I'm the gym, at fights etc, is the way to go?
As opposed to, I knew exactly what I was doing, I used THE MINIMUM FORCE required to defend myself. I applied a choke I've used many times before safely.
Attempted murder my ass, keep eating what that strip mall instructor is feeding you...

Just because you know what you are doing does not mean you are not in fear of your life. Cops "know what they are doing' and they always talk about how scared they are. Cops are not brave people so they will believe you are scared of violence since they are. The law's view is - if it wasn't life threatening you should leave.

Not mentioning your training when they don't ask is not a lie and if asked directly I would say "No, I am not a professional fighter" since I am not. If asked if I am trained I would ask what they mean by "trained".

I've been fighting thugs and other dipshits all my life, sometimes just for fun. The best thing you can do is leave the scene but if you get trapped the best thing to do is look and act real scared.

I was fighting some guys in front of a huge crowd only to be driven home by a sympathetic lady cop. Everybody but me ran when she drove up and I had some cuts on my face. I put my arms together while sitting on the ground and gave her some puppy dog eyes. She asked if I wanted to press charges (assumed I was the victim) and I said meekly "no that's ok". She drove me home.

Again this is nice acting but don't be an idiot and stick around if you can leave.

Leaving is not automatic guilt, if asked I left because I am busy.
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Just because you know what you are doing does not mean you are not in fear of your life. Cops "know what they are doing' and they always talk about how scared they are. Cops are not brave people so they will believe you are scared of violence since they are.

Not mentioning your training when they don't ask is not a lie and if asked directly I would say "No, I am not a professional fighter" since I am not. If asked if I am trained I would ask what they mean by "trained". The law's view is - if it wasn't life threatening you should leave.

I've been fighting thugs and other dipshits all my life, sometimes just for fun. The best thing you can do is leave the scene but if you get trapped the best thing to do is look and act real scared.

I was fighting some guys in front of a huge crowd only to be driven home by a sympathetic lady cop. Everybody but me ran when she drove up and I had some cuts on my face. I put my arms together while sitting on the ground and gave her some puppy dog eyes. She asked if I wanted to press charges (assumed I was the victim) and I said meekly "no that's ok". She drove me home.

Again this is nice acting but don't be an idiot and stick around if you can leave.

Leaving is not automatic guilt, if asked I left because I am busy.

Wait, so you think puppy dog eyes and looking pathetic are going to work after you just tried to blind somebody? And is that what you did in your last fight? How did you react when your assailant pulled out the knife you say everybody carries. How many times exactly have you had to grab somebody's balls and head it them because they pulled out a machete? Your talking yourself in circles?!?!?

With regards to the law you seem to have a lot of opinions on this that your spouting as facts.
I'm basing my opinions on my training for the domestic rules of engagement in defence of a military base on home soil. As military personnel you have a weapon but no more authority than a civilian, your made vary aware of what reasonable force to defend yourself is. Where are you making your bullshit up from?

And leavening the scene of a crime is an offence, I'm sure your just making this shit up of the top of your head.
Wait, so you think puppy dog eyes and looking pathetic are going to work after you just tried to blind somebody? And is that what you did in your last fight? How did you react when your assailant pulled out the knife you say everybody carries. How many times exactly have you had to grab somebody's balls and head it them because they pulled out a machete? Your talking yourself in circles?!?!?

With regards to the law you seem to have a lot of opinions on this that your spouting as facts.
I'm basing my opinions on my training for the domestic rules of engagement in defence of a military base on home soil. As military personnel you have a weapon but no more authority than a civilian, your made vary aware of what reasonable force to defend yourself is. Where are you making your bullshit up from?

And leavening the scene of a crime is an offence, I'm sure your just making this shit up of the top of your head.

First I'd never try to blind someone, that is idiotic. Maybe you confused me for some KM guy, I used minimum force, mostly striking or wrestling.

I'm making my bullshit from the time when a white man stabbed a black kid to death, left the scene and was not arrested because his friends admitted they were playing the knockout game.

Leaving is not automatic guilt, too many cases like that. It might or might not technically be an offense but it's not an admission of guilt.

I beat my manager at work for trying to frame me and then saying I was fired. I left and my coworkers would not back up his story to the cops came. Since he had no visible injuries he had nothing.

He could not get the restraining order he attempted, nor was I arrested.

After a phone conversation with the owner confirming he attempted to fire me without authority, I was laid off on good terms and even collected unemployment.

I am the houdini of not getting arrested, I have avoided it at least 10 times.

But you know more about it I guess.
With that watertight argument for Krav Maga, I'm sold!
You should go to work in the Middle East peace process. By the time you've rambled in about shit that has nothing to do with the discussion, they will probably have forgot the subject.
With that watertight argument for Krav Maga, I'm sold!
You should go to work in the Middle East peace process. By the time you've rambled in about shit that has nothing to do with the discussion, they will probably have forgot the subject.

I'm arguing for MMA training (mostly striking) so that may explain your difficulty.

I've been in a shit ton of fights without a single arrest. To not get arrested you should not hurt the guy too bad, wear sunglasses and leave. To avoid the knife, hit him before he has a chance to pull it out. If knife does comes out use ASP baton to counter knife by hitting the hand.

If you use deadly force/weapon and stick around you will have legal problems, ask Zimmerman.
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