Judo's first competition at 31 years old.


White Belt
Jun 1, 2017
Reaction score
First sorry my english isn't my first language so sometimes maybe my sentence will be a little bit funny:p

I want to compete for the first time in december 2017. I've been doing judo 2x per week for 2 years. I'm a green belt. Pretty "solid" with the techniques but I have a lot of problem to apply them in randori.

On the ground there is no problem. But on my feet well... lol!

We are a small club, with very few contestants so it,s also a little bit hard to compete with people in my weight class.

I'm relatively fit (I've run a 85km race earlier this summer, Deadlift 400lbs, Squat 250lbs, Benchpress 215lbs) and I weight 180lbs (6feet 1). But I have a lot of trouble to put that strenght in my judo (I lack of power and speed). And by the way I have 31 years old. Conditionning isn't bad, I don't want to really focus on that right now.

So I want to prepare for this competition. I will do the class 2xweek and I think I can help myselft a lot at home. But I don't know where to start? Do you have some special youtube video/channel to recommend? I have found beyond grappling, he seems to know a lot so i think I can learn well from him. Do you have any advice or tip to "express" my strenght in judo?

For strenght training I have start a 5/3/1 template, pretty standard.

Last thing, since I've start I have broke 5 toes, do you think I should tape them each class to avoid that?

Your deadline to squat ratio is way off. That is your only problem. Start squatting heavier weight and you will be fine
I doubt it's because of your numbers that you're having trouble putting your strength into your technique. The issue is your execution. It's hard to give you advice since we don't know how your technique actually looks (disclosure: I'm a crappy green belt too). How's your gripping? Are you getting the grips you need for your throws? Are you getting good kuzushi and actually fitting in tight enough to throw? Are you setting up your throws by getting the opponent to move how you want them too? What combinations have you been doing and do you have a game plan?

As for beyond grappling, I did get the kettlebell work-out program from that site and found it helpful. However, you may be able to get better advice from people at your club regarding an individual training program. You may want to ask them first before spending any money. I do like his youtube videos, however.
It's your first comp. Don't overthink it and just enjoy it. At lower levels it's not about winning and losing.
I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that your numbers in the gym have nothing to do with your inability to execute in randori. This is without a doubt a technique problem. Care less about gym numbers and more about applying the timing and leverage that make Judo what it is.
First thanks for the answer! Yes I know the gym number are just what they are, number! (My squat is low because I had trouble to execute it well, but that's ok now so it will goes up!)

I think the main problem I have is to move the other guy where I want. When I try an hips movement they are way too far, when I try a sweep they are strong on there feets.

I think I should work on combination as saids above, right now I always try one attack and step back.

Do you have any tips to train at home? Do you only do shadow judo?
There's different things you could do. Aside from basic fitness training, you can practice movements and do shadow uchikomi. Some people use inner tubes to practice:

You could use a rope (or a belt) tied to something as well:

If you do movements at home, make sure you're doing them properly though. It's better to go slow and do them well than fast and poorly. Also, you'll learn the most by going to class, so make sure your home work-outs aren't so strenuous that they're keeping you from training.
Thanks for your reply, I have also rubber band so I think it could be great.

I have found an old judo book that talk about combination like Osoto gari/ harai goshi and many more, I will try to place more combination in my game.
First thanks for the answer! Yes I know the gym number are just what they are, number! (My squat is low because I had trouble to execute it well, but that's ok now so it will goes up!)

I think the main problem I have is to move the other guy where I want. When I try an hips movement they are way too far, when I try a sweep they are strong on there feets.

I think I should work on combination as saids above, right now I always try one attack and step back.

Do you have any tips to train at home? Do you only do shadow judo?

The only cure is thousands of reps.
Tens of thousands.

Usually what I find is that people, who are strong and have difficulty executing, are those that are wayyyy too stiff...

Technique also requires a bit of finesse, timing, and strategy (setups)