Media Jon Jones threatens troll online - “it’s not hard to find you”

I feel no sympathy for online trolls that harrass professional fighters. Show up to Jon's gym, say it to the sociopaths's face....
I'm sure people have just all the time in the world to fly out to where Jon is and tell him to his face how he is a POS. You know, bc that is how much people care about POS.
Yeah, I mean who yells at someone in public wanting to stick his finger in a guy's butthole without being repressed in some way. Starting to wonder if he and Colby have college stories no one wants to tell
Its so obvious hoiw there is so much wrong with this fuckin guy hahahhahaa

So much there that we probably dont even know.
Yeah, I mean who yells at someone in public wanting to stick his finger in a guy's butthole without being repressed in some way. Starting to wonder if he and Colby have college stories no one wants to tell

Not saying this is the case for Jones; but, I've had the impression for years that a sizable minority (at the very least) of the mma community - fighters and fans alike - is homosexual. Or were sexually abused as children and mma is part of how they cope with it.
Not saying this is the case for Jones; but, I've had the impression for years that a sizable minority (at the very least) of the mma community - fighters and fans alike - is homosexual. Or were sexually abused as children and mma is part of how they cope with it.
Why MMA and not any form of full contact fighting??

And why do you have this impression?
Its so obvious hoiw there is so much wrong with this fuckin guy hahahhahaa

So much there that we probably dont e

Colby was just a straight kid until Saint Jones got his hands in him.

Not saying this is the case for Jones; but, I've had the impression for years that a sizable minority (at the very least) of the mma community - fighters and fans alike - is homosexual. Or were sexually abused as children and mma is part of how they cope with it.
But then you have those Jon Jones/Holly Holm rumors so who knows.
Man Jones is so fucked in the head lol. The fact he messages people to tell them how much better he has it in life shows that money, possessions, and rich friends are, to him, having it made. Not having a loving family, not being a good Dad or good role model, just LOL I GOT MONEY Y'ALL SUCK.

He'll also get straight up murdered if he thinks he can just show up to any random persons house.
Someone told me that they used to put cereals outside their door so they could hear their enemies coming... and they would peek out the keyhole for hours at a time

Hey, don't underestimate the cereal alarm trick! It has saved countless lives, you know.