Economy Joe, Jill, and Hunter are broke

This changes everything
Some very embarrassing panic wrestling going on ITT.

Sounds like total bullshit to me.

Some rich people do manage to piss all their money away, so you never know, but this seems very unlikely to me.

More likely he's hiding his assets.
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And Hillary is going to die any day now.
Joe Biden is the most popular president in history, why is no one buying his book?
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So is the Biden family enriching themselves? You can't have it both ways.

Just posting what some reputable sources reported.

Mayhaps Joe has been spending on only fan thots that look like his daughter to send him videos of them showering. I really don’t know the specifics. Addictions seem to run in their family, so maybe he can’t help it

Based on the facts, that seems at least plausible to me.

Keep in mind, he made money off past books from when Trump was in office, not the most recent.
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Pizza and adrenochrome are expensive…
apparently Jill and Joe and almost a million in debt. Hunter has no money and his sugar daddy is now leaving him.

Most interesting is that both Joe and Jill had books come out that didn’t make any profit for the publisher and have netted zero royalties

Remember when the left laughed about Trump not having 500 mil in liquid cash? Well it turns out Biden can’t even afford the Delaware beach out he spends 90% of his presidency at.

Maybe Joe’s daughter can save them by publishing her diary

I dunno about you guys. But I don’t trust someone who cannot manage their finances. At least trump had millions of cash on hand and other assets he was not in massive debt with

As soon as his presidency is over, he’ll be giving speeches for 6 figure paydays
This is what happens when you have a drug addicted child that is a criminal and you try to cover and make excuses.

They end up sucking you dry both in money and emotionally.

I've see it happening to other people.
The beauty of that is Comer did the same thing with his brother and was on Fox News clutching pearls about how shady it was Biden did it. Peak politician hypocrisy. Let me guess it was good when Comer did the same thing because he has an R after his name.
This is what happens when you have a drug addicted child that is a criminal and you try to cover and make excuses.

They end up sucking you dry both in money and emotionally.

I've see it happening to other people.

So you're saying Joe Biden actually cares about his child.

Now, let's take a look at Barron VonSchitzinpants.
"I've said that if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her" "If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father..." " My daughter, Ivanka. She's six feet tall, she's got the best body"
So you're saying Joe Biden actually cares about his child.

Now, let's take a look at Barron VonSchitzinpants.
"I've said that if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her" "If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father..." " My daughter, Ivanka. She's six feet tall, she's got the best body"

So what does Trump have to do with this.

Oh that's right you have a severe case of TDS so everything is Trump.
Trash politician can'tn
Yes, and Hunter seems to blow through his money much the same way they do, spending $188,960 on "adult entertainment", $27k on porn websites, $1500 for strippers, $12k for a hooker, and a membership to a "sex club". And that isn't counting the $683k on miscellaneous "payments" to women, and didn't include the $1.6 million just in cash withdrawals from the ATM to buy crack.

Funny how the Rembrandt of his time who's also an expert in Ukrainian energy and Chinese utilities and a top legal mind just happened to have all of his totally legit income sources dry up as soon as he's under investigation.

His spending amounted to about $1m in 2016, $1.4m in 2017, $1.8m in 2018, and $600,000 in 2019, according to the charge sheet.
Between 2016-19, he withdrew $1.6m from cash machines alone.
In the same period he spent over $683,000 on "payments - various women", another $188,960 on "adult entertainment", $397,530 on clothing and accessories, and $237,496 on health, beauty and pharmacy, prosecutors say.
They list many of the luxury hotels Hunter Biden stayed in during the years that he chose to not maintain a residence. Most were in Los Angeles, New York City and Washington DC.

He used the hotels "for constant partying", prosecutors say.
Other funds went to hire a Lamborghini, which he used after moving to the West Coast while waiting for his Porsche to be shipped to him.
Payments included $1,500 to an exotic dancer at a strip club, $11,500 for an "escort" who was paid "to spend two nights with him", $27,316 in payments to an online pornography website and $10,000 "to purchase a membership in a sex club".
27k for porn. My man has issues. That shit is free.