Joanna Jedrzejczyk strips butt naked to weigh in

Joanna doesn't look very flattering at the weigh-ins, but I think she's cute when she's hydrated and done up.

Well, go ahead and post up some pics of your girl then so we'll know what attractiveness looks like. Go on, we'll all tell you what we think...

We're gonna have to put her on the treadmill and lose some of that "cute" chub for a real comparison. JJ is dehydrated here.
So does butt naked mean just your top or am I missing something?

Close Enough
When a woman is naturally slim she looks like death on weigh in.

But when a woman is naturally an obese cow her best looks are on weigh in.
You think? Her body isn't exactly what I would call voluptuous.

I'm not into her but whatever. Lots of fighters seem to be having more trouble lately wonder what's going on.
Did she have DC's new coach, Towelie, with her?
Cant wait for her to lose her title. Wmma will go on hiatus with the lgbt musketeers holding all the straps.
You're into mosquito bites?
All I read in the title was "Joanna strips butt naked".

And then it took me a second to realize she always looks horrible at weigh ins.
She weighed in under in last couple fights. She had to do a lot more media for this fight though it seemed
in all seriousness, if they don't have enough female staff to hold the towel, it must suck having to do that as a female fighter.

They have modesty screens at the doctors for people to change behind. Simple uncomplicated apparatus on wheels that is widely available. No justification for this bush league rubbish