Media Jamahal Hill basically blames Herb Dean for his loss

cereal gan

Orange Belt
Aug 22, 2022
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Jamahal went to DC, asked what he thought of the fight, told DC that Herb should have gave them time to reset after the nut shot, thinks his foot position was off after no reset
DC agrees and says they should have been given a full reset
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i would agree with them too if it was alex who threw the nut shot
I don't think it's a huge deal, but I don't like it that the ref acted like he was going to give them an intermission and let the fighter control the fight and say no. It's kind of like when the ref acts like he's going to stop the fight and doesn't.
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I do think Herb haa an issue with moving in to cause a break in the action and then stopping half way through. He did that exact thing in Anderson Silva vs Bisping.

He stepped in to pause the action and give Bisping his mouthpiece back, Bisping stopped fighting. Then Herb retreated after already moving in, Bisping looked at him like "wtf?" And that's when Anderson got him with that flying knee.

That's not what happened here though. Poatan specifically and explicitly stopped him from pausing the action.
It wasn't at all cheap. It's not like Hill was looking at Herb and Pereira smoked him. Herb tried to step in to give Pereira a chance to recover from the low blow, Pereira waved him off, both fighters reset and the fight continued and Hill got knocked out. Why should Pereira have to give up his position due to the low blow? A grounded fighter in controlling position gets his position back if he wants it. As a striker Pereira had worked Hill into a favorable position on the feet and he didn't want to and shouldn't have to lose his position because of a foul.

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