Shoop International Shoop League Season 7 Round 2 Voting Thread (Shooper Bowl)

Vote for you 5 Favorite Shoops!!

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  • Poll closed .
I'm spending my winnings on cocaine and hookers I haven't tried either before but I hear good things.


I knew you’d get it, champ.
Right on brother. All that hard work has paid off. Well it has paid off even before this contest but now you are top dog.

Mahalo brother. :D

You probably have told me before but what are u using?

Glad you had a good time brah. These competitions are adventures.

This is how the contests come about. Usually I am cruising along at Sherdog. In my underwear, combat boots, and orange ball in my mouth. Someone PM's me and says "Hey lets do a contest for such and such events.". Then we have a discussion about it and people vote yes or no. I have nothing planned as of now until something comes along. And yes, in rotation is the NGS (Non Gif Shoop) contest.

You should try different browsers. It is always best to have several. I tend to use Epic Privacy Browser or Firefox. I also have Opera and Chrome installed. Of course Internet Explorer comes pre-installed on Windows. Sometimes a website won't work on one but will work on another of these browsers.

Beginner's luck!! (I used to say that to @Empty Emp even after he won ISL 4 times in a row).

Oh no we won't have an A, B and C thread. I can barely handle 39 children much less 59. :p

Your gif was good brah. :d

@Arqueto knows the secret to shooping. Dedication. He works had brah. We talk shoop every day. I am thinking of making a "BWR Teaches you how to shoop thread" where I can make video/audio tutorials and have people ask questions. This should help a lot of people.

You're welcome brah. I am always here for you guys. :D

You have a good imagination Clipster. You are now a top 20 Shooper on Sherdog. People will put respeck upon your name.


As a general rule, the longer gifs have always won this contest.

I'm waiting for someone to hold that event. Anyone on this forum can hold Shoop events. You and @Ottawaguy can do it. :D

I'm looking right back at you and see a guy who can hold this contest. :D
@The Clark held a Shoop The New UFC Belt Contest
Anyone can do it.

What a handsome man. Thanks brah.

@MacGregor's accomplishment is one of the most impressive things ever on Sherdog. Yes, on a cell phone. I keep trying to get him to join the 2000's and get a real computer.

Thanks brah. Appreciate that.

Thanks brah. Appreciate that.

How the hell do you get all the lights down there? Are they rn on batteries or generator?

@ib313 and @Clippy are the only Shrebros who arent 6' 6" and jacked.

It's 2019 brah the Year of Blade Runner. We are supposed to have lifelike androids, colonies in space, flying cars, and all kinds of neat gadgets. Unlimited bandwidth and fast internet connections are a thing of the 1900's, literally. These contests are already being stunted by cell phone users. We have had to put a limit on the size of an image. This is not something we had to do in the past. I will not stunt it any more. Perhaps I can put a "Gif heavy" warning in the title.


They way I have always figured it out is this and I hope it's right. Suppose someone has 50 votes and he got 50% of the people that voted. That means 100 people voted. How many votes each person casted is a mystery.

@ib313 is old school. He was shooping when u were crawling around in diapers. He was just fooking around. Trash talk is vital to these competitions and as long as it's friendly, and it ALWAYS is, then it is encouraged.

I guess I misunderstood you or something! That drawing you formatted for me? I’ll pm you you.


I knew you’d get it, champ.

Thanks bro you called it at the start but I didn't believe you. I will never doubt you again :D.
Right on brother. All that hard work has paid off. Well it has paid off even before this contest but now you are top dog.

Mahalo brother. :D

You probably have told me before but what are u using?

Glad you had a good time brah. These competitions are adventures.

This is how the contests come about. Usually I am cruising along at Sherdog. In my underwear, combat boots, and orange ball in my mouth. Someone PM's me and says "Hey lets do a contest for such and such events.". Then we have a discussion about it and people vote yes or no. I have nothing planned as of now until something comes along. And yes, in rotation is the NGS (Non Gif Shoop) contest.

You should try different browsers. It is always best to have several. I tend to use Epic Privacy Browser or Firefox. I also have Opera and Chrome installed. Of course Internet Explorer comes pre-installed on Windows. Sometimes a website won't work on one but will work on another of these browsers.

Beginner's luck!! (I used to say that to @Empty Emp even after he won ISL 4 times in a row).

Oh no we won't have an A, B and C thread. I can barely handle 39 children much less 59. :p

Your gif was good brah. :d

@Arqueto knows the secret to shooping. Dedication. He works had brah. We talk shoop every day. I am thinking of making a "BWR Teaches you how to shoop thread" where I can make video/audio tutorials and have people ask questions. This should help a lot of people.

You're welcome brah. I am always here for you guys. :D

You have a good imagination Clipster. You are now a top 20 Shooper on Sherdog. People will put respeck upon your name.


As a general rule, the longer gifs have always won this contest.

I'm waiting for someone to hold that event. Anyone on this forum can hold Shoop events. You and @Ottawaguy can do it. :D

I'm looking right back at you and see a guy who can hold this contest. :D
@The Clark held a Shoop The New UFC Belt Contest
Anyone can do it.

What a handsome man. Thanks brah.

@MacGregor's accomplishment is one of the most impressive things ever on Sherdog. Yes, on a cell phone. I keep trying to get him to join the 2000's and get a real computer.

Thanks brah. Appreciate that.

Thanks brah. Appreciate that.

How the hell do you get all the lights down there? Are they rn on batteries or generator?

@ib313 and @Clippy are the only Shrebros who arent 6' 6" and jacked.

It's 2019 brah the Year of Blade Runner. We are supposed to have lifelike androids, colonies in space, flying cars, and all kinds of neat gadgets. Unlimited bandwidth and fast internet connections are a thing of the 1900's, literally. These contests are already being stunted by cell phone users. We have had to put a limit on the size of an image. This is not something we had to do in the past. I will not stunt it any more. Perhaps I can put a "Gif heavy" warning in the title.


They way I have always figured it out is this and I hope it's right. Suppose someone has 50 votes and he got 50% of the people that voted. That means 100 people voted. How many votes each person casted is a mystery.

@ib313 is old school. He was shooping when u were crawling around in diapers. He was just fooking around. Trash talk is vital to these competitions and as long as it's friendly, and it ALWAYS is, then it is encouraged.

How the hell do you get all the lights down there? Are they rn on batteries or generator?


It often takes a shit ton of people to set up a shot like that. This one took $800 in flash bulbs.

Or one person setting off 1 flash in multiple locations. In the pitch dark (you can leave the shutters open indefinitely since it's absolutely dark. Some of the bulbs are old school disposables. They are ginormous.
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Time for an upgrade dog........the ol' P286 ain't hackin' it anymore!


Cavers rescue spelunkers.

Wanna hear a caving joke?

What's the difference between a 20 foot fall and a 200 foot fall?

A 200 foot fall sounds like this...


A 20 foot fall sounds like this...


* based on true stories
Your AV lives on in the opening post of the Froot Shoop thread.

It is kind of immortal that way.
I feel blessed to have been the chosen one to be froot shooped in the OP of that legendary thread.

It's like being part of history in some way.

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