If Stipe beats JJ = means nothing be/c JJ is washed. If JJ beats Stipe = means nothing be/c Stipe is washed.

loyalty to 2 guy 's who been in company long time one holds defense record..at HW and one was on top for what century.. if they or one wants this fight as his last so be it... EDIT i love how stripe is washed his 1-1 vs frank.. you know the killer everybody has their panties in a bunch about who now 0-2 in boxing.....stripe is he old yeah most hw's are..
This is the fight that's holding up the HW division and literally no one wants it except the two fighters involved.

At this point the UFC just needs to tell Jones to fight Aspinall to unify the belts or get stripped and keep it moving.
Jon isn't washed. He just easily beat Gane who despite clearly having some huge flaws and weaknesses in his game, is still a legit top 5 HW.

Stipe might not even be washed, but he is going to be 42, coming off a bad KO loss 3 years ago, and hasn't won a fight in 4 years. So very likely washed, but we'll see. Still clearly years beyond his best.

The main issue is that the fight is meaningless, nobody cares about it, and Stipe might be the worst title challenger in the modern era of MMA. We've had guys getting title fights off of losses before (Gus, Chael etc) but coming off a KO loss and 3 year hiatus is a new low.
It's just a shit fight on paper, and what is really frustrating for the fans is we have 2 heavyweight champs. The so called real heavyweight champ is scared to fight the champ who may be the real heavyweight champ, and we the fans may never know the real heavyweight champ.
The main issue is that the fight is meaningless, nobody cares about it, and Stipe might be the worst title challenger in the modern era of MMA.

There's no way in hell that the former HW champion (who currently holds the defense record) is in any way, shape, or form worse than Bethe Correia or Chris Cariaso
Yep. The excuses are already set.
I dunno Sherbro. If Jon Jones loses decisively to a 41 year old semi retired part time fighter there isn't much more probable explanation. Prime Jones absolutely murders any version of Stipe, let alone this version.

Jones is expected to beat Stipe, so just beating him doesn't mean much. What really matters for his legacy is how decisively he beats him and how he looks in the process.
I agree they are both waaaaay past their prime now, i think it will almost be sad watching this fight if it ever happens which i kinda doubt it will....

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