If Justin Trudeau became a fighter he would be Theodorou

Trudeau would probably be a better fighter than Theodorou lmao.
Can you imagine being so triggered by politics that you have to run to an MMA forum, and make a completely unrelated analogy between MMA, and a politician you don't like.

What kind of damaged mind even thinks this shit up? MMA attracts the kind of people you could imagine going on a shooting spree.

This is why the so-called SJW's are winning. You guys act crazy, and speak of violence far too often, and prove them right. They love it when you act this way.

I really wish politics would stay the fuck out of our mma. It’s bad enough we have to deal with Woodleys race crying bs.

Sjw’s aren’t winning. More people
Are waking up to their bullshit. This thread is trash and should be wastelanded, back to MMA.