Ideas wanted!!! Dog care


Black Belt
Jun 13, 2012
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Need some new ideas for how I can get someone to look after my dog.

I'm going away for 3 nights and can't take her with me.

Family is out = my usual go to.

What do you do?
Trunk of your car with a dish of water.
When I was a kid and we ran into this situation dog gets put in the garage with three days' worth of food and plenty of water.
There were no doggy daycares.
Just leave it in the backyard with a trough of food and water and a heated doghouse it'll be fine.
My Veterinary also offered boarding which was nice. I occasionally used other boarding kennels. I would also add a bath to the boarding services so my dogs would be clean when I picked them up. Unfortunately, my last dog passed away on December 2023.
Just pay for a doggy babysitter. You want your animal to be safe.
Can't find any fighting dog shelters needing temporary sparring partners?
Having a dog is like having a toddler that never grows up. They are completely dependent on you.
Loan it out for procreation purposes?
Last option you can drop it off at the animal shelter and tell them you will pick up your dog in three business days
No-one at work willing to do you a favour?