Elections I voted today for the first time

...for the first time as an American citizen and my first vote went to a staunch Republican.

Congratulate me!

I'm disappointed in you, Fingercuffs.
Republicans are losers. And no, I don't just say that to attack you or be mean-spirited. They are literal losers. They have been losing the culture war in the Western world for over 50 consecutive years now. Sometimes, the loud ones like MTJ and Cruz claw a few inches back, only to lose miles of ground immediately after. The world is steadily, and eagerly, looking to leave these people behind.
They're never going to care how corrupt Trump is. All they're ever going to care about is the world they'll never have. And since they'll never have it, they'll make due with enjoying every opportunity they get to see the real world burn. That's the only "wins" available to them, the only real opportunities for them to feel like things are going their way.
I'm disappointed in you, Fingercuffs.
Republicans are losers. And no, I don't just say that to attack you or be mean-spirited. They are literal losers. They have been losing the culture war in the Western world for over 50 consecutive years now. Sometimes, the loud ones like MTJ and Cruz claw a few inches back, only to lose miles of ground immediately after. The world is steadily, and eagerly, looking to leave these people behind.
They're never going to care how corrupt Trump is. All they're ever going to care about is the world they'll never have. And since they'll never have it, they'll make due with enjoying every opportunity they get to see the real world burn. That's the only "wins" available to them, the only real opportunities for them to feel like things are going their way.
There were two Republicans on the ballot. It was one Trump sycophant Republican or a Sheriff Republican who I quite like.
In that case its perfectly understandable. I'm all for keeping Trump cultists away from everything.
You know me by now. Not the first vote I would have loved (Obama) and the guy I voted for likely won't get in but I did my duty as a citizen and it felt good. And I do love a Sheriff.
This is you right here:

"Lose a few IQ points" to be an American.

Yeah, dude. It's mindboggling how a nation of low IQ people managed to contribute to the world the first light bulb, phonograph and moving pictures, airplane, personal computer, and internet, just to name a few inventions.