I love Sherdogs obsession with fighters physiques

chael is 240 pounds and ripped.uberchael coming for dat belt johnny bones.

bj will gas like he always does. think what kind of career bj would have had if he had the work ethic of sean sherk. this might sound odd,but i think winning the ww belt from hughes was the worst thing to happen to penn,because after that he thought he can beat all these big guys.which he cant
Mark hunt has a cult following on sherdog I don't think physiques are that obsessed over
You don't have to be ripped to win. But, if you're normally pudgy and you come in shredded it probably an indication that you've trained hard.

BJ has never been shredded nor had very good cardio. So...seeing how he still isn't shredded one might assume that he still doesn't have very good cardio.

Its not exactly scientific but its fun to talk about on Sherdog.
Fedor is the GOAT and he looks like a "normal" man.

He looks soft for a pro fighter but I wouldn't call him normal looking. If a guy his exact same size and build jumped up in your face, you would be intimidated just like the other 90% of sheardogers would. The guys a little soft in the middle but he's still 230lbs and built like a brick shithouse.
He looks soft for a pro fighter but I wouldn't call him normal looking. If a guy his exact same size and build jumped up in your face, you would be intimidated just like the other 90% of sheardogers would. The guys a little soft in the middle but he's still 230lbs and built like a brick shithouse.


i can see the similarities

I hate listening to these shitheads. You jerkoffs can work on your abs and biceps to try and trick some poor girl into coming home with you from the bar, but that doesn't mean BJ Penn needs to suddenly morph into a chizzled mountain of a man to be in better shape.

Is BJ in better shape? Idk, I hope so, but to the morons crying about how the fact that BJ isn't sporting a shiny new 6 pack means he must be ready to gas during his ring entrance, chill out.

He looks soft for a pro fighter but I wouldn't call him normal looking. If a guy his exact same size and build jumped up in your face, you would be intimidated just like the other 90% of sheardogers would. The guys a little soft in the middle but he's still 230lbs and built like a brick shithouse.
I've always noticed how even average looking fighters look like these alpha mutants when they stand next to your average guy.
It's pretty lame imo. Plenty of fighters are beasts and don't look like it. Chuck, Shogun, Fedor, etc. Genetics play a huge role in how muscle definition appears on an individual, everyone has different limitations.

Also, since it's Sherdog I think the issue lies in posters who do not train not knowing how taxing any given fight can be. For example, BJ gassed in the Fitch fight because it was a grappling heavy fight and he has been primarily a stand up fighter for the past several years. Same with Shogun, he gasses after long grappling exchanges, like the 6+ TD attempts on Vera. I'm not making excuses for the guys, they know it is MMA and grappling is a large part of the fight. But, they got more one dimensional in their fights so it's understandable that they would work to their current strengths while in training camps. Shogun stood 5 rounds with Machida very easily as that is what he was most used to. BJ kept pretty much every LW fight standing, so his "boxing cardio" was top notch. I believe that any fighter at this level should have extensively trained cardio for stand up, ground grappling, and clinch work... But that is clearly not the case most of the time.
Life is like, so big and Monopoly is so small.

Just shows you how inferior something like money is to the great wonders and trials of life

Ha, I like this... too bad most won't understand it.

On topic:

Abs, for the most part, have nothing to do with athletic ability. If you guys even knew anything about what you're talking about, you would know that abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.

Also, body type should not be over looked. There are people out there that just carry around more fat despite how hard they train. Lil Heathens, Shogun, his brother Ninja (just to name a few) all have ridiculous cardio without the six pack.

Plus, if BJ showed up all ripped up with abs, I would say he spent too much time worrying about his physique instead of training technique.
It's says more about his diet than how much he trains. You can't out train a bad diet.