I just noticed something when rewatching the Holm vs. Correia fight...

You just noticed that she got knocked out?

...you're a quick one TS
You had to rewatch that to notice? WTF? Go back to watching Real Housewives. Its cool, no judgement zone. But seriously...

Purest athlete in the sport.
I remember a funny thread w a picture of Bethe and her mom, and one of the first responses asked “which one is Bethe?”
It was a horrible fight until the KO. It is very surprising that Bethe is still in the UFC, a top 15 nonetheless
Quick, turn to channel 4...OJ is getting chased in his white bronco...oh, wait...
I love how after the kick lands she's out of it but like signals the ref to stop it and Holly just finishes her.
You must hate yourself alot if you're rewatching one of the worst fights all year
Let me guess you just noticed they were women?