I am an ex-Scientologist. (LONG read)


Brown Belt
May 29, 2008
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And I think it's time I came out of the closet with my fellow sherdoggers.

This was way to much to post as a reply to the other thread about the church being charged with human trafficking (which I totally agree with). Anyway, here goes nothing...

I was raised by scientologists.

I have a very hard time talking about it. Especially because the church has had my little sister with them since age 13 (in 2001). If I bad-mouth them in any way publicly, I will be "Declared a Suppressive Person" (blacklisted), and they will forbid her and my other family members from having any contact with me.

I was recruited to work for them when I was 13. I didn't enlist until after high school. They made it sound like the Peace Corps. Like it was volunteer work to help make the world a better place. But it's a total farce.

Soon after joining, I realized that it wasn't right. And wanted to leave within the first year of being there. But if you try to leave, you are threatened with being blacklisted and sued. They even threatened to have me arrested for abandonment even though I had no kids. And they wont let you leave until they have exhausted every effort to keep you. It took me 2 and a half years to do so. My cousin tried to leave several times before finally, after a few years, they gave up on them just like they gave up on me.

I realize that I could write a small book on the subject. Fuck that... a very, very large book. However, I'll try to keep it short in saying that this charge is 100% legit. They however, cover their ass so well legally that I will personally guarantee all of you that not a single fucking thing will come of it.

The Church of Scientology is a racket, made possible only by the bullshit tax-exempt status they give so-called religions. They convince members to sign away their kids who just want to feel important. "Come with us young man... Were going to save the world together!" And if the parents don't want to, it can result in disaster for their personal lives. Especially in southern-California where many scientologists work for other scientologists. They lose face with friends and other church members. It's not good.

Many are recruited out of "Scientology Schools". Private schools operated by scientologists, for the children of scientologists. There's a big one call Delphi. You can look it up.

I went to a scientology boarding school for a year, but they kicked me out for smoking pot. Not at the school, just on my summer vacation at home. They found out about it and wanted to send me to another school for "bad scientologist kids". And THAT place, which is the middle of nowhere in New Mexico, is a fucking straight up child labor camp. I was 14 at the time. Thankfully, I never went there because my parents didn't want to pay for it.

So... What do they do with the kids once they join the "Sea Org" or "S.O."?

The Sea Organization was created by L. Ron Hubbard to escape personal legal trouble, and I'm talking about warrants for his arrest in the States among other nations, by managing the church from a ship in international waters. He had experience at sea from his time in the navy during WWII. So naturally he designed this "elite management structure" to look at act like the navy. To this day, if you go to Hollywood blvd, you will often see dozens of people wearing "dress-blues" and "dress-whites" like they're about to go fly a commercial airline or something. They're not. And while the church only has one ship that we know of, there are tens of thousands of S.O. members in many parts of the world.

But I can assure you, they are just as intense as the navy, only they care about things like selling books and "services" (BIG money), as well as recruiting new members and condemning free-speech. Not to mention trying to force everyone under their spell to live like puritans. Which is ironic, because Hubbard was ANYTHING but puritanical.

So there's no sex till marriage, even though Hubbard was a playboy who also had 3 different wives over the years. No drinks at all if you have to go to study or work the next day. Which is a nice way of saying about once a year, even though Hubbard drank like a fish. I could go on, but I'll get to the point.

When you join them, they OWN you. You don't go anywhere without their WRITTEN permission. If you do leave without telling or even threaten to do so, Hubbard says you must be blacklisted. As a matter of fact I know of so many split up families from this very thing. They decided to leave and now their family is forbidden to talk with them. My uncle was blacklisted by requesting a refund for services he never received. No one in our family spoke to him for about 10 years after that. I never really liked him, but that must have been hard on my cousins.

But when you work for them, that's ALL you do. You live at the compound. You wake up, you eat 3 meals a day in the dining hall, you go to work the ENTIRE day until it's time for bed. They lie to the government by saying that minors "study academics" all day. And it's not even a little true. The so called studying is nothing more than being brainwashed to know ONLY what L Ron Hubbard says is true and NOTHING ELSE. Not even the "laws of the land" which Hubbard "insists" must be followed. The brain washing started much younger for me, obviously. And I still to this day think of the scientology "solutions" to problems in life as it has been beaten into my brain for my entire childhood. Things like, if something bad happened to someone, that means that they "pulled it in". Like some kind of karma thing. Only, when you get sick, they don't send you to a doctor. They send you to the "Ethics Officer" to find out what bad things you must have done to get a sick.

They use their E-Meter device like a lie-detector. It's supposed to measure the weight of your thoughts, but it actually measures things like how sweaty your hands are. So they are constantly witch-hunting for people who slip up at work only as a means of control. And they LOVE this game. They are constantly punishing people for perfectly legal things like sex before marriage and making any sort of joke about anything related to scientology. If you don't get blacklisted, you might get assigned to the labor camp known as the R.P.F. or the "Rehabilitation Project Force". These people aren't allowed to talk to anyone not in the RPF. They dress in black and have to run everywhere they go. Some people have actually lived most of their lives within the RPF, simply because they are given an unbelievably long sentence.

Let me touch on this point briefly. Let's say I sent you to prison for something minor and said that you can leave as soon as you pass the bar exam to legally represent yourself. That's what it's like. After they do physical labor for 12 or more hours a day (7 days a week), and then are given a few hours to study the scientology courses they've been assigned. Which is something they make everyone do in scientology. The difference is, they have to live like a prisoner until they finish their lifetimes worth of studying. I met a few who got out after only a few years. But most rot away or quit and get blacklisted. Either way, they're not allowed to talk to their family or friends. That is, unless the church thinks one of your family or friends who has had enough to the point that they might take action from outside the church... In that instance, the RPF or S.O. member is coached to talk (lie) to that friend or family member, in order to keep them from making any complaints publicly.

Well you get the point. It's already a wall of text. Needless to say I knew NONE of this going into the church. I didn't find out about a lot of things until after I left. I just left because I was unhappy and I knew deep down inside that it was wrong. But I still thought scientology was a useful thing to do. But it's not. It's just version of therapy based on the power of suggestion.

And let me tell you motherfucking beautiful people something...

The power of suggestion is one hell of a thing.

You need to stay sharp. This world is action-packed with scam artists. And for those of you who are thinking "what the fuck was wrong with his parents???" I want you to call up your folks, and I want you to tell them "thank you". "Thanks for not ruining my life before I had a chance to ruin it myself, mom and dad."

Then tell them you love them.

I love you all.
Awesome post.

Congrats on getting out. I appreciate what you wrote and the courage it must take to speak out.

On another note, where are on the Central Coast are you?
Monterey here.
Dude, that's fucking egregious. I had no clue it was really that bad. Why doesn't someone expose that shit?
Wow. I've read some crazy stuff about them. There was an article in Maxim a while back about some kind of underground internet group that tries to fight them. The lengths they go to identify and stop these people is amazing. Its enough to make someone very paranoid. They almost sound like the CIA or something. They have a lot of very famous, wealthy, and powerful people as members.

Good luck to you man. You might want to use a proxy tunnel before posting bad stuff about them though!
So basically to sum it all up it's like that Movementarians episode of the simpsons? Those scientologists would be fustrated with me as the Movementarians were with homer.

though, you do have to give l.ron hubbard some credit, if givin the chance I too would start a cult with me as the one and only savior. Hot dumb chicks all over me as if I were the messiah, man what a dream.
Wow, that's fucked up. I'm glad you got out. I hope your sister gets out, too. I applaud you posting this, but be careful, k?

bonedog said:
They almost sound like the CIA or something.
Who do you think is behind the biggest infiltration of the U.S. government ever? The Soviets? The Chinese? Israel? North Korea or Iran?

Think again. It's the fucking "Church" of Scientology.

Operation Snow White - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

bonedog said:
You might want to use a proxy tunnel before posting bad stuff about them though!
Awesome post.

I'm not a huge fan of religious organizations to begin with, but I recognize their place and their importance to many people through out the world. I don't like it, but I mind my own business.

This though, what they do kids, that is a criminal act, and they need to be stopped.

Good on you for getting out, and thanks for sharing that.
Dude, that's fucking egregious. I had no clue it was really that bad. Why doesn't someone expose that shit?

They have. And like I said, they COVER THEIR ASS LEGALLY in every way possible. If you leave on good terms so as to not become blacklisted, you have to sign a mountain of paperwork. I had no clue what I was signing at 17, just as I had no clue what I was signing when I left at 20.And that's exactly the way they fucking like it.

They did tell me that I had to pay them a so-called "freeloader debt" of $12,000 before entering any church of scientology.

Needless to say, I never paid them a dime and would never step one foot into any building of theirs.

As a matter of fact, I missed both of my under-18 year old sisters' weddings. Which were heald in a CoS.

A few years ago, a pissed off ex-sci dude walked into a church with a Katana sword. He was gunned down before he could do anything. I'm not saying he was right to want to hurt someone... But I know how he fealt. Cheated by a cult that has consumed it's members and leaders alike. SOMEONE has to stop them. And waiting for this piece of shit government to do anything about it, is just like waiting for them to fix health care or some other thing they fuck up daily.

For the record, I have no intention to commit crimes, and would not do anything illegal to the Church of Scientology or anyone else. No way. Never. I'm not a TOTAL idiot. lol

Sounds like you have one hell of a book to write.
Sinking the Freewinds (preferably by ramming it) has long been a fantasy of mine...

So what kept your head above water? Did you socialise a lot outside the "church"?
What about the beliefs? When you were a kid did you actually believe what they taught? Did you achieve an OT level?
Wow. I've read some crazy stuff about them. There was an article in Maxim a while back about some kind of underground internet group that tries to fight them. The lengths they go to identify and stop these people is amazing. Its enough to make someone very paranoid. They almost sound like the CIA or something. They have a lot of very famous, wealthy, and powerful people as members.

Good luck to you man. You might want to use a proxy tunnel before posting bad stuff about them though!

Rant /off. lol

No more jokes about the Church of Scientology. There is nothing illegal I would ever do against them or anyone else. A higher path is the only road I will take in exposing the church. And that is the only road I will travel.
Doesn't America have things like the FBI, CIA and NSA to protect it's citizens against such a wide-reaching fraud? Why aren't investigations being held and so forth?
Sinking the Freewinds (preferably by ramming it) has long been a fantasy of mine...

So what kept your head above water? Did you socialise a lot outside the "church"?
What about the beliefs? When you were a kid did you actually believe what they taught? Did you achieve an OT level?

I think I was never really one of them in the first place. I was just a lost soul who was sold a lie.

Most people believe in religious lies, written by religion-leading liars. And they are ALL lies and liars. And if believing a lie makes you a better person, then great. The difference is what the leaders do with the people that believe their lies.

The church of Scientology is so greedy to grow that they have damned themselves to no future. Most know of their cult status, despite them buying the "Cult Awareness Network". They want more money, more members, more kids. Btw, many of the kids become watchdogs like a hitler-youth thing. L Ron Hubbard turned a little boy into David Miscavige. And that guy can get ANYONE that works for him to do ANYTHING he asks. And he helped build the most totalitarianist, non-government institution in modern day.

But don't get mad at a scientologist. Trust me, they mean well. Just tell them...

"I know you've never questioned anything you've been told, because you were told it was wrong to. But information is power, so there shouldn't be anything wrong with looking at what others have learned about the true life of L Ron Hubbard. Check out xenu.net."
Thanks a lot, mate. You fuckin Aussies are amazing when it comes to protesting the CoS. It almost brought a tear to my eye when I saw the videos of the '08 shit-storm. I'd love to go out there just to shake some hands.

I think you shouldn't be so about that the CoS will never be brought down. The now almost 18-month long Anonymous shitstorm of Epic Win has done more damage to the CoS than you
Why exactly is this in the dump? seems like a pretty reasonable thread since scientology was in the news

Sounds like you have one hell of a book to write.

Yeah, I will. But not before my dad dies.

Another guy has written a manuscript for a book, talking about his crazy escape from the Gold Base. It probably has more action than any other story you'll hear about them. My story would be of the sad truth about the mental abuse that goes on within the church. And all of the lost souls still leading the way.

To those that have incriminating testimonials against them (like myself), they try to scare you and break you down mentally, so you'll never even think about speaking out against them. It's like the passing of the Olympic torch. Only after each pass, the fresh runner lights the tired runner on fire. Only I didn't die after they left me to burn.

Perhaps the hardest part about writing the book would be the aspect of confession. Because I did my part while I was there. And though I was only 17 at the time, I had a serious talent for sales. No commission mind you. I made minimum wage, from which they took all but 50 bucks a week for room and board. And for that, I made them millions of dollars. A couple of times in the years after I left, the CoS salesmen that were trying to fill my shoes would call me at home for advise. I said no. But that doesn't give people their money back.

Idealistically, I would write a book that sold billions of copies like Dianetics. Which is just total lie in the first place to say that individuals bought all those books. I've known people that have donated hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars into putting Dianetics/Scientology books in libraries. It's the only way they've EVER hit the bestsellers lists. I know this for a fact.

But if I wrote the bestseller anti-CoS book and donated all the money to a charity that helped people get out of the church, it might make up for the damage I've done.

The problem is that I would be sued for all those profits. In a heartbeat. So hopefully I can get something out there cheep that doesn't make money but takes millions away from their influence.

That might make it easier for me to hold my head up high in this mad world.