I am a shameless soundcloud rapper

George Carlin

Double Yellow Card
Double Yellow Card
Sep 27, 2015
Reaction score
I have been a poster on Sherdog since I was 15, I am now 24. Obviously my account does not represent this, because I posted on sherdog as a volatile teenager, and this is probably my 5th or 6th account. I am well aware you have no reason to care, but by day I am a construction worker 9-5, and after that I practice my art until around 2 or 3 am. I am a rapper, but that is simply the medium in which I choose to deliver my lyrics. I put out a new mixtape today. within an hour, two publications hit me up for interviews. This has never happened in the 3 years I have been making music. This might be the tape that really bridges the gap for me. Again, you have no reason to care, and I might get banned for shameless promotion, but If you check my history I am a decent poster, and I hope you might gain something out of listening to this new project I released. If you hate it, that's alright also. I would love honest and brutal critique of this 5 track. Talk to you soon, and thank you in advance.

I think you have good flow and you switch it up nicely. I don't like the instrumentals. They don't have an authentic musicality... seem awkward and slap dashed together. I feel like your annunciation and the timbre,and cadence of your voice sounds like your doing impressions of your favorite rappers. It doesn't sound like your natural voice. I don't really like when rappers do the sing/talk thing but yours doesn't seem extra bad or anything. I do think you have some musicality in your voice when you want to tho... I think some vocal lessons to clean things up would work well for you. You have something there for sure tho. Stay up man. Keep on doing your thing
You've got definite potential. Do you make your own beats?
me too guys.

I used to drop tracks on soundclick when I was like 14. I haven't written anything new since I was like 27.
I think you have good flow and you switch it up nicely. I don't like the instrumentals. They don't have an authentic musicality... seem awkward and slap dashed together. I feel like your annunciation and the timbre,and cadence of your voice sounds like your doing impressions of your favorite rappers. It doesn't sound like your natural voice. I don't really like when rappers do the sing/talk thing but yours doesn't seem extra bad or anything. I do think you have some musicality in your voice when you want to tho... I think some vocal lessons to clean things up would work well for you. You have something there for sure tho. Stay up man. Keep on doing your thing

Hey man that was a fantastic take on the music. My beats have not been the greatest ever since I started using my own or my friends in order to make the claim that it is truly my music. I try to make up for it with good lyricism, but this is where Im at. My flow/cadence is always a work in progress, and its funny you mention it because Im about to start singing lessons. I just appreciate you even bothered listening. Thank you sir.
You mean you're not really George Carlin?

I hate when people make it about this. No I am not the actual George Carlin. But do I sexually Identify as George Carlin? Yes, actually.
inb4 you make it big....Pls take me out when you are a millionaire and shit.
I liked your work on Thrift Shop better.

I'm a rapper too, check my stuff.

I dunno squat about rap but that didn't sound as terrible as I was expecting. Good job TS