How long for my tooth to heal?


Aug 9, 2013
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I got right handed in sparring by a Tyson Fury impersonator.

Was wearing a mouth piece - boil and bite, which I intend to fucking modify ASAP - but, meant to be fighting in two days.

The tooth was pushed back slightly, and it hurts like a motherfucker when I bite down fully or suck inwards.

Will see dentist tomorrow.

Serious - or does this shit heal up quick?

It doesn't feel loose, but it's been slightly pushed in, like I said.
Had something similar happen to me, except it was a hockey puck to the kisser. My tooth wasn't pushed in but it was slightly loosened off and hurt like hell when I bit down on it or sucked inward. Saw the doctor that night to get my lips glued back together and he checked out the tooth as well. Turned out everything was fine with the tooth, I just had to keep pressure off it and try not to wiggle or move it around. Took 4-5 days before it stopped hurting and about a week to 10 days before the tooth was solidly anchored down again.

Definitely see your dentist, even though your tooth isn't loose there could be some internal damage that can complicate things.
Ouch, it's not meant to be pushed back. Your dentist might readjust it back for you and give you braces, retainers or something similar to hold it in place while it heals back up. If it's not too serious, otherwise the dentist might remove it completely. Don't want you to swallow you own tooth in bed and choke to death.

I remember one of my tooth was not lose either but I was teething and as I was chewing on this chewy candy my tooth got stuck in it. lololol. Save me a trip to the dentist.
If the tooth root is not cracked or broken and the nerve isn't dying from trauma, it should be fine in somewhere between a couple days to a week. Pretty quick.

If you dentist determines there is a cracked/broken part of the tooth (usually the root) then it will need some work and will not get better until then. If it feels like its getting worse rather than better, that's a bad sign.

Your dentist will take an x-ray and should be able to fill you in all the details, depending.
I hope you don’t pull out of your fight because of this

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