How did Rocky become smarter as he got older?

Someone took the time to work with him. We know he dropped out of high school. Probably nobody ever actually tried to teach him.
My hypothesis:

1. his brain was not in the right place. literally.
2. getting hit in the head repeatedly did put his brain in the right place. literally.
3. the more he got hit in the head, the more of his brain got put in the right place.
4. profit.
5. declared bankruptcy so that he didn't have to pay taxes. claimed to have mental disability to avoid prosecution. ("Rocky V" plot).
6. repeat.
He didn't become smarter. He had gone through a lot of ups and downs, love and death. The experience had made him wiser, and he appear moreso that way in Creed because someone was following his footsteps.
He didn't become smarter. He had gone through a lot of ups and downs, love and death. The experience had made him wiser, and he appear moreso that way in Creed because someone was following his footsteps.
He didn't just have a lack of knowledge in the first movie, he was slow and dim-witted. Also he was a seasoned boxer by that point, should have had a good amount of wisdom by then.
people can grow..

In the first film he was mentally challenged with low IQ, in the sequels he just turns into a normal person. He eventually just becomes Sylvester Stallone.

Then he gets stupid again only not as bad.
Tbh leave retarded shit neighborhood gimmicks does wonders in real life too, just thinking myself 15yo to 25yo is like two different people and main difference has been just live elsewhere

Many times people that seems dumb af just seems to be like anesthetized by having to live with other rats, that surely x10 living in pre-internet days

Don't remember if Rocky moved out, but become rich/famous is a form of detach too (and ironically even in real life Stallone becoming famous/rich forced him to level up too)
Iirc whole gimmick of Rocky 3 was him having lost dat rough life ignorance and having no more hunger
He's like Mr Burns ......... how Burns has so many aolments they all keep each other at bay so he survives.

Rocky has so much CTE it counteracts each other allowing brain growth .