How bout that Gregor dude...


Gold Belt
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
Looked good on Saturday. Kinda small though, hope he doesn't get the Gavin Tucker treatment next time.
Tough as nails. I was a little disappointed to find out he's 30 considering he's a newcomer..
Khabib , Tony , Lee , Gregor ; all these guys are monsters in grapling.
would love to see them fight each other
i remember he didnt have a KO before his last fight, now he's hurting dudes pretty goodly.
Really enjoyed his fight, he showed decent IQ in there made good choices that guy he was fighting looked huge compared to him
sick tattoos bruvz
Fully onboard. The guy is tough and skilled. Hope he tightens up his defense on the feet.
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fight of the night , those two were going after it. Reminded of what UFC used to be like
He reminds me of Frankie Edgar but I like that he goes for the sub instead of posturing up for GnP.
Looks Ike a legit future contender. He looks and fights like a bad ass, plus hearing his background from Stann, was impressive.

The dude he fought looked pretty good as well, and was no joke.

Looking forward to see how he does in a year or so.
Future champ and humble as fuck

Takedowns looked like GSPs

Good luck to him
I liked him a lot but he does look small, but it didn't matter against the guy he fought haha.
Looks Ike a legit future contender. He looks and fights like a bad ass, plus hearing his background from Stann, was impressive.

The dude he fought looked pretty good as well, and was no joke.

Looking forward to see how he does in a year or so.
Yeah, 4 time NCAA All American. Throws down and grapples effectively. Likes fishing.
He's an odd looking little dude but he can move fast he was stuck to that guy like glue! And that elbow was epic from clinch