Hot Cheetos Thieves

Another story is my wife had Cheesies and set cut the top of the bag off for quicker access, she set the half bag down and turned away and my cat got right into them. His whiskers were orange.
Another story is my wife had Cheesies and set cut the top of the bag off for quicker access, she set the half bag down and turned away and my cat got right into them. His whiskers were orange.

That's it, I'm buying some cheesies tonight and netflixing with the wife
Do you guys know flaming hot cheetos were made by a Mexican immigrant who worked as a janitor at the factory? The plant broke down and he took cheetos home without the cheese dust on them and experimented with chili flakes and eventually got a meeting with the CEO of the company

Haha. I bought them the same time I got me a Smoky Big Bite and a DOUBLE Big Gulp earlier.

Man, I'd sure like a Coca-Cola & some Hot Cheetos now.
Do you guys know flaming hot cheetos were made by a Mexican immigrant who worked as a janitor at the factory? The plant broke down and he took cheetos home without the cheese dust on them and experimented with chili flakes and eventually got a meeting with the CEO of the company

He must be rich now.
