Head strikes in MMA


White Belt
Sep 7, 2012
Reaction score
Why are flying knees, fists and elbows leagal strikes to the head but a headbutt is not?
I was reading up it but so many different answers.
They do a lot of cosmetic damage while not often ending fights except via cut.
They do a lot of cosmetic damage while not often ending fights except via cut.

That was exactly the line used against elbows for awhile.

I'm gonna suggest it's because headbutt kos are just too gnarly for even us. It's like we all cheer for soccer kicks, then when a promotion brings that back...we're like "ewwww no bro nevermind".
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most fighters wouldn’t want them since it’s easy to break someone’s nose with a headbutt, especially on the ground
I'd say because they're too violent, watch Jay Russell vs George Carson IFC 4 Akwesasne to see how brutal and effective headbutts can be.
That was exactly the line used against elbows for awhile.

I'm gonna suggest it's because headbutt kos are just too gnarly for even us. It's like we all cheer for soccer kicks, then when a promotion brings that back...we're like "ewwww no bro nevermind".
I've head butted a lot of guys and knocked out a lot of guys, but I've never knocked a guy out with a headbutt, speaking from strictly personal experience. You're usually smashing the guys nose or mouth with a headbutt, tough to land the "on the button" blow compared to an elbow, but that's all hearsay.
Can't say I'd mind some standing headbutts lethwei style
Head Trauma is BIG these days helmets are never enough and in a sport that doesn't use them is scary... too scary for this generation, a sport like Lethwei would never be allowed with their headbutts.